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About Breidell

  • Birthday 06/12/1991

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  1. Edit: Figured out how to get the ff up the roof with the ladder truck you have to click the install button and then select the fire building
  2. are you still working on the mod?

  3. is there a current download link for this mod the one on the first page doesn't work?
  4. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/16329-emergency-4-mod-installer/page-2 9th post down
  5. I think it would be cool if you added the venom one team and add a venomous snake bite and some other reptile related calls maybe even a croc catch
  6. I don't think so I live in a town in CT that has 5 stations 4 downtown and 1 up north 3 are located near the town green one behind the police station near the animal control near a highway on and off ramp which is our HQ
  7. I never knew CT actually had a marked state cruiser like that before but those things are extremely ugly and that ambulance is even worse
  8. How do you change the colour depth from the config file I tried under options but it doesn't seem to work I switched it from 32 to 16 to see if I could play Montana mod for longer and Now I'm trying to get it back to 32 and it won't go back? All my units now have no skins because of it
  9. We have a similar type unit but much older and it's on a ford chassis but ours has scene lighting on all sides it carries extra scba tanks and is used to fill them up at the scene. I saw one pic where the back driver side compartment had two cord reels at the top and the rest was storage for the tanks. If you need more info you could always contact them on here https://m.emergency-planet.com/DENVERFIREDEPARTMENTCO Pic with the rear compartment showing the cord reel and storage for the scba tanks http://5280fire.com/?page_id=613
  10. There are some mod files missing for some of the vehicles and maybe it's just me but I think you should tone down the some of the lights on the police vehicles as well they seem a tad overwhelming to me. Also a had a fire where the ladder was inside of one of the building and the ff couldn't enter it to get inside and put out the fire out.
  11. Yea that seems about right hoppah here is a pretty good article with some pics of the super pumper system http://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/mack-super-pumper-system-locomotive-engine-powered-pumper-extinguish-hell-often/
  12. Are you going to upload it to 4share instead of media fire this time or are you sticking with media fire?
  13. We still do it where I live in CT along on the shoreline and still train on it on occasion I think the longest forward lay we've ever done I believe was over 200 feet of 4inch
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