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Everything posted by Reece.c

  1. ohk i think the solution is that you download 2.2 but im not sure, if it works i advise you not to start a new campaign
  2. as some of you may know Australia is going through a election, and i was wondering who you may think will win. both the prime minster and opposition leader are back stabbers and spout lies about how bad the other side is and vise versa(thats their campaign which i find funny).
  3. as i said what version did you download?
  4. do you mean that you clicked on the new campaign button by any chance? and what version did you download
  5. may i say thank you for the many hours of entertainment that your has given me. i hope you have a great stop from modeling and i hope you do come back my kind regards, reece
  6. so all Francis's hard work and time spent on that model went to waste? what a shame lol
  7. i dont know, but when it happened to me i just do a system restore to the day before, but i dont know if windows 7 has that option.(i run vista)
  8. were only around 30% done so the models need to be resized and so on
  9. hey im helping with the mod, and here is the firepac that i have modeled
  10. i think the [he] has left the building but seriously whats the point of making the map bigger if someone did wouldn't it be hard to scramble to one side of the other?and the load time plus the added time of traveling to the hospital or to the emergency, but hoppah does a **** load and i thinks what he does is great for the community
  11. im have started a hamachi and x fire group, i was hoping that the community could join and we could have a hub for organizing games and events. what do you all think? xfire:http://www.xfire.com/communities/losangelesmodgroup/ hamchi:la mod multiplayer organiser pw:sandra
  12. hey im just wondering if anybody wants a australian mod? i am willing to have try, but i have no go damn idea how to make mods but i will learn
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