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Ozimák István

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  1. Hello everyone! Recently i tried hard to edit events in freeplay, but it not works like in EM4. I opened up: "data\em5\gamedata\em5_eventpool\freeplay\berlin_freeplay_eventpools.json" and tried to take out some events. In short: I'm a firefighter, and i don't want to play police, and ambulance missions Forgive me this So, i tried to edit this command: "StartEvent": "true" to "false". But in the first section of the file, we have some fixed events, that we can't get rid of? Berlin - freeplay fixed event pool "map03_berlin_freeplay_eventpool_fixed"There's no "StartEvent": "true" command present. And if i try to add it, it does nothing. It keeps adding events: "robbery" or "seriously ill" or like this. I also tried to make // at the beginning of the event, but it somewhat crashes the game. Same with deleting the events separately, or erasing the whole fixed eventpool section Is there anyone who tried to edit events with success? Or, is there anyone who can help me with this? I think i messed up something or i'm trying in the wrong way or with the wrong file(?). Thank you in advance for your help! And sorry for my English, i'm Hungarian.
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