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Robin Uppgren

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  1. You must be doing something wrong, works without any problems for me.
  2. You can also edit "x:\steam\SteamApps\common\Emergency 5\data\em5\gamedata\em5_eventdensity\definitions\density_counter_values.json" to change how likely it is that each event occurs. Maybe if you change the value to 0 the event is "disabled". Didn't try that though.
  3. You can remove them, its just special events for that specific map. Make sure you backup first Check out this file, i removed everything but the fire related events. The game reads the file in a very specific way so you have to be careful not to accidentaly erase anything, not even a small ",", nor leave it if it has no use. berlin_freeplay_eventpools.rar
  4. Find the hydrant in prefabs, in the editor there you can change it.
  5. Hi all, maybe this qualifies as a finished "mod". This enables the doctor to ride with the ambulance like in EM4. I tweaked the offset in this one so it's slightly different from the one i posted in the other category. Instructions included! Enjoy! enhanced ambulance.rar
  6. If you tell me exactly what you did i can see where you may have gone wrong :I
  7. Yea i too wonder, how did you get that deep in the game?
  8. Just got a small 15 mb update on steam, have no idea what it's for though.
  9. If you change the hydrant type from FIXED_HYDRANT to VEHICLE_HOSE_CONNECTOR on both the normal hydrant and the hydrant_ground they tend to choose the vehicle if it's closer. I'll check it out more tomorrow, night!
  10. Drag the "data" folder into the folder "x:\steam\SteamApps\common\Emergency 5\" and replace the existing stuff if it doesnt ask you to replace the files you may have done something wrong. Remember to backup kids! These are the files that will be replaced!: ----> x:\steam\SteamApps\common\Emergency 5\data\em5\gamedata\em5_order_info\ambulance\ambulance_rtw.json ----> x:\steam\SteamApps\common\Emergency 5\data\em5\content\prefab\vehicle\ambulance_rtw.json FILE: enhanced ambulance.rar
  11. Yo, ill post some files and instructions soon. Gotta eat something
  12. I got it to work for reals now What i did: I edited "Emergency 5\data\em5\gamedata\em5_order_info\ambulance\ambulance_rtw.json" --- see above I loaded the ambulance in the editor for easier editing. Changed the front right door to a DOOR_EQUIPMENTRIGHT. Changed the offset for the back left door. I think the doctor couldnt enter again because the offset was to far away from the ambulance, the paramedics are a longer unit so it wasnt a problem for them. So the doctor walks away to enter. Now it's solved though. I havent got the time to explain right now, work awaits! Just ask if you want to know something specific.
  13. Gonna check it out, i got it to work by adding another door in the prefab file. It works, but the paramedics enter/exit in the front now.
  14. Weird, for some reason he is not avaible to enter the vehicle again if he just treated someone.
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