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    Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
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    3D Modelling, Porting models, creating and editing mods for various video games, graphic design.

    I am also a DJ.

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  1. Hello everyone, we have decided to pickup where we left off with the CS6 mod and are continuing development. As far as models and the map goes, we are all done. We are now looking for someone who can help us create persons, like cops, emt's, paramedics, firefighters, all needing skins. We will not be releasing any pictures until the mod is in its beta stages since we do not want anyone copying out material. If you want to see what it may look like, google College Station 6 Texas. And YES, I have created the custom firestation in full detail of station's 5, 6, and 7 (which atleast 5 and 6 will be in-game). The mod will be more realistic than most of the other mods mainly because your active fire's will take numerous minutes, which can be up to 15 minutes for an active fire (depending on how large it is), spreading fire takes a long time, and fire resistance takes a long time. Meaning that you can actually role-play as if it were a real situation (setting up road blocks, cutting off traffic / redirecting), ect. Anyone interested in creating the personnel, please contact me at tylermaross@gmail.com. We do have a time limit that you must meet. We are looking for all of our custom people to take no more than 6 weeks.
  2. Sorry for the long pause. The pictures seen for OCMD is not the final product. We are currently on pause due to the size. This mod has custom scripts that have never been seen before. We are currently focusing on finishing CS6 first before we continue working on OCMD. We used Mayberry mod as a sample to test our custom map before we took all of the vehicles and peds out and redid the entire mod.
  3. I followed these exact steps on a duplication of a suburban and the vehicle shows up 100% perfectly in the editor with no errors, but does not show up in the sp freeplay selection
  4. New plans: I am really starting to work on this project. Right now, I am reducing the amount of vehicles so it is not congested. It is a private mod based off of Northview South County, LA Mod, Manchester Mod, Mayberry Mod, Borough of Brooklyn Mod, and a few more. Station 6 Layout: 01 Front - Chief 6-1 = Chevy Suburban 01 Middle - Trailer 6-1 02 - QRS 6-1 03 - Engine 6-1 = Pierce Velocity Engine 04 - Rescue 6-1 = Pierce Velocity Rescue 05 - Tiller 6-1 = Pierce Dash Tiller 06 - Traffic 6-1 = International Durastar "RAC Unit (Borough of Brooklyn Mod)" 07 - Engine 6-2 = Pierce (Arrow XT/Dash) Engine 08 - Engine 6-3 = Pierce Quantum Engine 09 - Tanker 6-4 = International Durastar 10 - Tiller 6-1 Trailer Station 7 01 - Chief 7-1 02 - Brush 7-1 03 - Engine 7-1 04 - Engine 7-2 05 - Crane 7-1 Station 16 01 - Hazmat 16 Off Map - Engine 285 - Engine 286 - Engine 68 =============================================================== EMS - 5 Assorted Ambulances on map (BLS) - 2 Assorted Ambulances off map (BLS) - 1 Assorted Ambulance on map (ALS) - Medic 4-1 = ALS Unit And Yes! I have re-designed the station, it looks very similar but not exact. It will eventually be in the mod. I am asking for volunteers to assist me with some help. Thanks.
  5. As Ocean City Modification is still under heavy development and probably will not be released for another few months, I have decided to try and start another SMALL mod. This modification is based off of College Station Texas's very own Station 6 & Station 5. Although it will not be 100% accurate, we are using the appropriate vehicles and changing a few things. This is what the small modification will look like: WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE DEVELOPERS. WHETHER IT IS SKINNING OR IMPORTING MODELS IN-GAME & LIGHTING. If interested, please email me at tylermaross@gmail.com ============================================================================FIRE & EMS DEPARTMENTS:============================================================================ College Station 6:======FRONT======- Chief 6-1 = 2012 Chevy Suburban- QRS 6-1 = Ford F350 Heavy Squad Unit- Engine 6-1 = Pierce Velocity- Rescue 6-1 = Pierce Velocity- Truck 6-1 = Pierce Velocity ======REAR======- Traffic 6-1- Squad 6-1 = Dodge 5500 Ambulance- Squad 6-2 = Dodge 5500 Ambulance- Engine 6-2 = Pierce Quantum Engine- Tanker 6-1 = Kenworth Tanker (2 Seater) ======FIRE POLICE======- Fire Police 17 = 2012 Chevy Suburban- Traffic 18 = E-450 Converted Ambulance ============================================================================ College Station 5: ======FRONT======- QRS Unit 5-1 = Ford F350 Heavy Squad Unit- Engine 5-1 = Pierce Arrow XT (BLS - Raisedtop) ======SIDE======- Hazmat Rescue 5-1 = Stepvan Hazmat Unit- Traffic 5-1 = Ford F150 Pickup============================================================================ College Station Regional Hospital: ======Side Ambulance Parking======- Medic 4-1 = Chevy Suburban ALS Unit- Medic 4-2 = Ford F350 Ambulance- Medic 4-3 = Ford E350 Ambulance- Medic 4-4 = Ford E350 Ambulance- Medic 4-5 = Ford E450 Ambulance- Medic 4-5 = GMC Topkick 4300 Ambulance- EMS Cmdr 4-7 = Ford Crown Victoria- Medflight 4-8 = Medflight Helicopter ============================================================================POLICE & SECURITY============================================================================ College Station Campus Security/PD Office: ======Campus PD Parking Lot======TEAM 1:- Patrol 2-1 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- Patrol 2-2 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- Patrol 2-3 = Ford Taurus (Marked)- Patrol 2-4 = Ford Taurus (Marked)- T1 Supervisor 2-5 = Chevy Impala (Unmarked) TEAM 2:- Patrol 2-6 = Chevy Caprice (Marked)- Patrol 2-7 = Chevy Caprice (Marked)- Patrol 2-8 = Chevy Impala (Marked)- Patrol 2-9 = Chevy Tahoe (Marked)- T2 Supervisor 2-10 = Ford Taurus (Unmarked) TEAM 3:- Bike 2-01 = Bicycle Patrol- Bike 2-02 = Bicycle Patrol- Bike 2-03 = Bicycle Patrol- Patrol 2-04 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- Patrol 2-05 = Chevy Tahoe (Marked) Unnassociated:- Trailer 2-11 = Equipment Trailer (Marked)- Trailer 2-12 = Equipment Trailer (Marked) ============================================================================ College Station Regional Police: (OFF-MAP) ======Police Department======- Patrol 3-1 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- Patrol 3-2 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- Patrol 3-3 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- Patrol 3-4 = Chevy Tahoe (Marked)- Patrol 3-5 = Chevy Tahoe (Marked)- Patrol Sup 3-5 = Ford Taurus (UnMarked) ======Police Department (SPECIAL)======- Chief 5-1 = Ford Crown Vic (Marked)- SWAT 5-2 = Lenco Bearcat- SWAT 5-3 = Mobile Command Center- SWAT 5-4 = Incident Response Unit- Prison Van 5-5 = E-Series Van ============================================================================ TEC: ======TEC======- Utility 14 = Ford F350 Utility (On Map)- Utility 15 = Ford F350 Utility (Off Map)- Utility 16 = Ford E350 Utility Cargo Van (On Map)- Utility 17 = Ford E450 Utility Cargo Van (Off Map)- Tow 14 = Rollback Tow (on Map) = Gas Station- Tow 15 = Rollback Tow (Off Map)- Tow 15 = Rollback Tow (Off Map)- Tow 16 = Tow (Off Map)- Tow 17 = Tow (On Map) = Gas Station ============================================================================ PERSONS: FIRE:- Fire Fighter- Fire Fighter / EMT- Hazmat Operator- Fire Chief- Fire Battalion Leader MEDICAL:- EMT- Paramedic- EMT w/ stretcher- Paramedic w/ stretcher POLICE:- Campus Security Officer- Bike Patrol- Patrol Officer- Patrol Supervisor - Police Officer- Police Supervisor- Police Chief - Fire Police Officer - SWAT Officer- SWAT Sniper- SWAT Negotiator- SWAT RIOT Control- SWAT Tech Operator- SWAT Bomb Squad Technician- SWAT Leader ==============================================================================================================================FOR REAL LIFE IMAGES:https://www.google.com/search?q=college+station+6&num=100&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS580US580&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=1zjrVLaTI_a1sQSI0oDwCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1536&bih=764&dpr=1.25 Here is our station:https://www.google.com/search?q=college+station+6&num=100&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS580US580&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=1zjrVLaTI_a1sQSI0oDwCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1536&bih=764&dpr=1.25#imgdii=_&imgrc=TB3fyjNpRv3nQM%253A%3BuVqp8YjoZID9wM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fkrhd.images.worldnow.com%252Fimages%252F15454270_BG1.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.abc40.com%252Fstory%252F15454270%252Fcollege-station-city-council-meeting-gives-residents-a-look-at-new-fire-station%3B2480%3B1577 ============================================================================================================================== As far as old and new things. Our main Fire Station will be brand new and custom made by me. We will still be using the old hospital and the 2 bay volunteer Fire Station. Some of the vehicles will look familiar from other mods that are out there, but we are doing some edits to make them "new"
  6. Website: tylermaross.wix.com/ocmdmodificationem4 Facebook Page: https://www.emergency-planet.com/oceancitymdmodificationem4 Project Lead: Spiralharbor167 Lead Developer: Piloto19hh Basic Information Ocean City Maryland Modification (OCMD) is a new kind of modification that gives the user an entirely new experience. We have based this mod off of a few mods that are popular such as the LA Mod, Mayberry Mod, Chester County, and a few other mods out there. We also have a bunch of custom and special content that will make your panties fall off. So how does this compare to other mods? This modification is bigger and has a lot more content than other mods that are currently out. Because we have a development team that works days and nights on making this modification great, we are able to make something no other has made. Is there a clan for this modification? YES, the clan registration page is on our website. The registration is offline until the end of December 2014. When will this mod be released? This mod will have its Version 1.0 released on the First of February, 2015. How close to finishing the mod are we? We are about 95% complete with the vehicles. We are now focusing on Peds, Missions, and Pathways. What map are we using? NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN!!! We are using a custom map created by Spiralharbor167 and designed to look and feel sort of like Ocean City Maryland How can I get involved with the development of this group? We are currently looking for people to help out with the following: - Missions - Character/Ped creation, skinning, renaming. Who do I contact to become a developer? tylermaross@gmail.com Subject: Dev for OCMD EM4 This is what to expect: VEHICLES:============================Police: CROWN VIC- Patrol- Supervisor (slicktop)- K-9- Detective FORD TAURUS- Patrol- Supervisor (slicktop)- Detective IMPALA- Patrol- Supervisor (slicktop)- Detective CAPRICE- Patrol- Detective Tahoe- Patrol- Supervisor (slicktop)- K-9- Detective Suburban- Patrol- Supervisor (slicktop)- Detective FORD Explorer Utility- Patrol- Supervisor (slicktop)- Detective OTHER:- Mobile Command Center- Police Helicopter (AS350)- Dauphin State Police Helicopter- Chief of Police Ford Expedition- Prison Bus- Prisoner Van- RIOT Control Van State Police:- Crown Vic Trooper- Caprice Trooper- Tahoe Trooper Swat: - CROWN VIC UNMARKED BLACK- LENCO BEARCAT- SWAT Transport International Durastar- RIOT Tank============================/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\============================ Fire:============================Station 2-1 (Main Station) FRONT:- Car 2-1- Squad 2-1- Engine 2-1- Engine 2-2- Ladder 2-2REAR:- Rescue 2-1- Ambulance 2-1- Tanker 2-1- Brush 2-1- Utility 2-1============================Station 3-1 (Ocean View) SIDE:- Car 3-1FRONT:- Squad 3-1- Engine 3-1- Hazmat Rescue 3-1 (Haz-Rescue 3-1)============================STATION 5-1 (Volunteer) FRONT:- Squad 5-1- Engine 5-1============================COUNTY (OUTSIDE STATIONS) - Engine 8- Engine 9- Engine 226- Marine Rescue 1- Marine Rescue 2- Rescue 14- Engine 14- Tiller 14============================HEADQUARTERS LOCATION - Battalion Chief- IRV (Incident Response Vehicle) = 2012 Dodge Caravan- MIRV (Motorized Incident Response Vehicle) = Converted Camper Bus- USCG UH60 (TEC)- Med Flight 1- Auxiliary Engine 1- Auxiliary Engine 2============================EMS- Medic 4-1 (ALS SUV)- Medic 4-2 (ALS Ambulance)- Medic 4-3 (Sprinter Ambulance)- Ambulance 4-4 (F350)- Ambulance 4-5 (F350)- Ambulance 4-6 (F350)===========================OTHER:- Volunteer Firefighters- Volunteer EMS===========================/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\===========================/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\===========================Characters: "FIRE DEPARTMENT"+ FF/EMT+ FF/Paramedic+ FF/EMT w/scuba gear+ FF/Paramedic w/scuba gear+ Hazmat+ Fire Chief+ Battalion Chief "EMS"+ EMT+ EMT w/stretcher+ Paramedic+ Paramedic w/stretcher "POLICE"+ Patrol Officer+ Patrol Supervisor+ Patrol K-9 Handeler+ Detective+ Traffic Officer+ SWAT Officer+ SWAT Sniper+ SWAT Teamleader+ SWAT TecOp (Surveillance/Negotiator)+ Chief of Police "LIFEGUARD"+ Lifeguard+ Lifeguard EMT+ Lifeguard Supervisor+ Beach (Patrol) Security (NO GUN) (Taser & Handcuffs) "State Troopers"+ State Trooper+ State Trooper Sgt+ State Trooper Detective===========================/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\===========================MISSIONS:- Vehicle Accidents- Traffic Jams- Water Rescues- Boat Collisions- Boat Fire's- Armed Robberies- Bank Robberies- Grand Theft Auto- Petty/Pickpocket Theft- Large Crowd Control Incidents- RIOT's- Peaceful/Dangerous - Protests- Lifeguard Rescue's- Jellyfish stings- High speed pursuits- Drunken Disturbances- Disturbances (of the peace)- Disorderly Conduct- Fire's (Building, Housing, Store, Brush)- Hazmat incidents- Gas leak (Gas station)- Electrical Storm's (Power outages, fires, downed lines)- Power Plant Explosion (Power outages, fires, injured people)- Drunk Driver incidents with accidents- Swimming Incidents- Drownings- Animals on the loose- Basic common injuries- Heart Attack / Stroke / Ect.- MORE TO COME=============================================================================================== MORE PICTURES AND INFORMATION BOTH AT OUR WEBSITE AND AT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE
  7. I am trying to start a new thread for my soon to be released mod (OCMD), don't understand why I am not able to post it under EM4 mods. Anyone know why?
  8. I am currently looking for people interested in working on this project with me, I am currently working on a map and have most of it done which is helpful. I have also started building and empty vehicle placement on the map. Who am I looking for? I am looking for developers that can assist me in making this project a reality. I am also looking for people to help with the creation of new custom missions and special scripts for pedestrians. Since there is a beach, I want a lot of people hanging out there. This looks like a lot of work that I am asking for but I am mostly working on the textures and models and handing them off to someone who can take a game-ready model and include it into the freeplay mission. LIFE GUARDS +++ Characters +++ - Lifeguard - Lifeguard EMT - Lifeguard Supervisor +++ Vehicles +++ - Lifeguard ATV (which will carry a medical bag and red road flares) - Lifeguard Chevy Silverado pickup - LifeguardSupervisor Chevy Colorado pickup - Lifeguard 2008 Ford Escape =========================================================== POLICE (OCMD) +++ Characters +++ - Patrol Officer - Traffic Officer - K-9 Officer - Supervisor - RIOT Control Officer - SWAT Officer - SWAT Sniper - SWAT Tech Op - SWAT Negotiator - SWAT Supervisor +++ Vehicles +++ - Crown Victoria Police - Crown Victoria Police Slicktop - Crown Victoria Police Supervisor - Ford Taurus Police - Ford Taurus Police Supervisor - Ford Explorer Utility Police - Ford Explorer Utility Police Supervisor - Chevy Impala Police - Chevy Impala Supervisor - Dodge Charger Police - Dodge Charger Supervisor - RIOT Control - Chevy Suburban - RIOT Control - Ford Explorer Utility - RIOT Control - Chevy E-Series Van - S.W.A.T. Chevy Suburban - S.W.A.T. Ford Explorer Utility - S.W.A.T. Lenco Bearcat - S.W.A.T. Stepvan Mobile Command - S.W.A.T. International Durastar 4300 Transport- S.W.A.T. GMC Topkick Mobile Command Center =========================================================== POLICE (Maryland State Troopers) +++ Characters +++ - State Trooper - Traffic Trooper - K-9 Trooper - Supervisor Trooper +++ Vehicles +++ - Crown Victoria Police - Crown Victoria Police Slicktop - Crown Victoria Police Supervisor - Ford Taurus Police - Ford Taurus Police Supervisor - Ford Explorer Utility Police - Ford Explorer Utility Police Supervisor - Chevy Impala Police - Chevy Impala Supervisor - Dodge Charger Police - Dodge Charger Supervisor =========================================================== FIRE/EMS - ALL DONE except for the need to add 3 more volunteer vehicles and need to add: - Stepvan Rescue - Seagrave Engine - International RAC Unit - Rescue Pumper =========================================================== I am also looking to have a lot of new missions such as: - More vehicle accidents - Drunk people causing disturbances on the beach - Gang Riot - Drug Dealing - Multiple Drownings and Ocean type rescues - Speeders causing wrecks - More crime in alleyways - RIOT control missions ANYONE WITH ANY INTEREST PLEASE EMAIL ME AT tylermaross@gmail.com. Thanks!
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