So.. basically, you can be a full on paramedic/firefighter, join the FDNY, and be stuck doing below EMT work? And for largest pre-hospital care, It may be large, but what if an ambulance isn't in the area and lets say your running a code, which turns out to be a person in asystole? Beginning CPR is basic, and every second counts. It's just what I see, would be a good suggestion too with a somewhat vital argument to me.(wouldn't happen in the mod because your doing 1 call at a time, but lets say if there was more. ) BTW, on the way you guys set up the timer on the b.a's and stuff, it's all real time, like up to 10 or 15 minutes on the bottle, but does that mean the fires are actually going to take much longer to be extinguished, or is that just if you had something like. a HAZMAT incident. (idk if you guys included those.)