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  • Birthday 04/18/1994

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    Washington State
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    The Bible (Christian), Jesus, Police, and SWAT. Honor Begins At Home.

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  1. Well, of course some officers use excessive force some of the time. It all depends on your definition of excessive force. IMHO, it's not the answers that need changing, but the question: Do the police in the US use excessive force too often? I.E. Are they consistently, repeatedly overreacting to threats, perceived or confirmed, and using force beyond what is necessary to neutralize that threat?
  2. Your post reminds me of a relevant story: http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2023779642_spuheroxml.html
  3. Accurate. I can't find a good, definitive source for the policy but these will have to do (scroll down to 'what to expect from police officers'): http://www.northwestern.edu/up/crime/awareness/activeshooter.html https://protect.iu.edu/police/active-shooter If you look around the web, you can find active shooter instructional videos that say the same thing. Personally I think it's a change for the better, but sometimes you will get incidents of police responding to a 'shooter' that doesn't exist (try searching SWATTING for an example). Some cities actually place police substations inside malls. http://www.wsmv.com/story/22674393/goodlettsville-police-to-open-substation-at-rivergate-mall I get what you're saying, and this is why I feel like awareness, training and carrying is important for all citizens, no matter the country. In my opinion, the police and other emergency services aren't 'First Responders', but rather you and anyone in the surrounding area are.
  4. I think it'd be good if there was some effort made to educate citizens and students on how to interact with law enforcement. It's really not common sense, I was just reading a comment the other day where a person thought you had a legal right to 'resist' (we're talking running, fighting back, so on. It wasn't a troll btw), and was asking about how much resistance you could legally use. Of course, they were very quickly corrected by the people of reddit, but it's very scary to think that there's that sort of misinformation out there. One of my earliest memories is back in preschool, when two firefighters came in to our class to teach a lesson. One was in a plain-clothes uniform, he taught us how to respond to a smoke alarm, how to check doors for fire on the other side, and to stay low to the ground in-case of smoke and toxic fumes. The other firefighter was in full suit and SCBA, and he taught us not to be afraid of firefighters in their equipment who might shout commands and grab us as they try to rescue us from a fire or some other danger. I've carried those lessons through my entire life, and I think it would be awesome if the police would do something similar (and if fire departments would do it more often!). It would be invaluable if they taught things like: How to act appropriately around law enforcement (follow commands, keep your hands out of your pockets, and so on), how to act during a traffic stop (roll down the window, hands on the steering wheel, don't get out), how to call 911 and report a crime (go somewhere safe before calling, give location immediately in-case the call is lost, describe yourself and others, etc.), and basic rights (you must identify yourself and give your ID if asked, you cannot leave unless you're given permission, you can say you don't want to answer questions or a specific question, etc.).
  5. That doesn't sound right to me. Take a look at this video to see the difference between the wall penetration of different firearms and rounds: http://outdoorchannel.com/video.aspx?g=shooting&f=KVKomFAWRC3s&guid=9Eps2Ha3Mz3VEcmFvjdQaOSuMtvNWIIh As you'll see, an AR-15 firing a .223 round has much less penetration than a 9mm or .45 Handgun.
  6. America is an interesting place. Here, a citizen can legally own a tank, WW2-era cannons, powerful firearms and explosives, and strong body armor that deflect bullets (see North Hollywood shootout on wikipedia). And even if a particular item is illegal in your state, you can probably either pick it up in the next state or find a black market for it. And even if you seriously can't find it, then you can probably make it (see Marvin Heemeyer on wikipedia). It sounds crazy, but it's how the whole freedom thing works. Take freedom of religion for example: all religions must be allowed under any circumstances, because if even one is held above another or banned, then any religion is 'free-game' (anything could be banned, a state church could rise, etc.). Same with freedom of speech, either it's all allowed or none of it is allowed. Liberty and justice for all, that sort of thing. It follows then, that if any criminal or potential criminal could get their hands on these sorts of equipment, that the police should already have military equipment available for use (see Hans Hansen at The Oregonian news). This is where we have a problem, because the average person isn't packing a weapon, but the police are always going to assume they are, and that means that if a civilian or criminal makes a bad move that alarms an officer, they could find themselves pinned to the ground or worse, shot and killed (see Officer Mark Rine and Rumain Brisbon at Fox News). The police aren't wrong to respond this way though, because police officers are often killed by criminals just on the virtue of them being police officers (see Officer Jeremy Henwood at NBC San Diego news). In-fact one thing you'll never see here in the US is police officers patrolling on foot, just because it would make them too easy of a target. Bike cops are also rare/non-existent, but that depends on where you live (though I certainly haven't spotted any in Seattle or the rest of Washington state in my two years of living here). Something else that's interesting: Eric Garner isn't the first person to die because of a chokehold applied by law enforcement. In-fact, in most states, chokeholds are banned or restricted for use by law enforcement. This is because police would apply them, someone would die, and there would be protests against the use of chokeholds. But for some reason, in this case, instead of protesting the use of chokeholds for compliance, it's a race issue. It's confusing and suspicious, and there are even some rumors that there are 'agitators' among these protesters that, for their own gain, are actively trying to turn these sort of things into a race issue. Then again, maybe it's just a race issue because it happened so close to the whole Ferguson thing. Who can really say for sure? tl;dr IMHO the police here are rightfully militarized and rightfully violent. There would still be protests if it was a "white guy".
  7. I was going to wait until the 15th to post a mirror, but... MIRROR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzn7rRc8SbEOQTBKUWpWZms3SUE/view?usp=sharing EDIT: Added two youtube videos to the OP
  8. Yeah, the file still hasn't been approved. I don't know why it's taking so long. I would appreciate it if a mod or admin could contact me about this. I'll try uploading it somewhere else if a whole month passes by.
  9. (LINK BECAUSE OF SIZE) http://www.emergencyrigs.net/viewphoto.asp?PhotoID=5164&Size=L (PHOTO NOT MINE) From my hometown, Gilbert AZ. Probably the most famous person to come from the town is Lindsey Sterling. It's not odd to get temperatures up to 120°F in Arizona, so most people there drive white cars that reflect the sun and heat. This includes the emergency services and especially the fire departments, who don't want to die from the heat before they get to the fire. I always thought the GFD was beautiful (try searching for pics of the fire station, for starters). Something you can't see in the picture is that all the wording on their apparatus are reflective, which you can see below. There's just something magical about walking past an engine and watching it twinkle out of the corner of your eye.
  10. According to the Youtube description, some of the riders were arrested. I feel like what the police were really trying to accomplish here, was to get some lights and sirens near the head of the pack (which they did). That way the riders are encouraged to disperse (which they did), and other vehicles on the road are given advanced warning to slow down or stop (which they did), so they don't slam into or get slammed by one of the motorcycles. All in all, I think the police had an intelligent, effective strategy that worked well in this situation. Lets pray some of these riders are thinking to themselves, 'That was incredibly scary, dangerous, and stupid. I'll never do anything like that again!'.
  11. There's a thread here on the game: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19621-enforcer-police-crime-action/ According to Steam, there are going to be some big updates in the near future.
  12. Try turning off shadows in the options menu.
  13. DOWNLOAD LINK: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/598-standard-quality-911fr-em4-new-soundtrack-mod-la-mixrar/ MIRROR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzn7rRc8SbEOQTBKUWpWZms3SUE/view?usp=sharing NOTE: Download is pending administrator approval and is not yet available to the public. Check back often. EDIT: Alternatively, you can download from the mirror link. -SAMPLES-
  14. For future reference, this is the corona fix you need for WHITE BOXES (link is from the Mayberry Emergency Services Facebook page). From now on, everyone can just copypaste a link to this post. https://mega.co.nz/#!e5AHTCBC!co4BZLLGwHb_BokJCH9GYthpJQMw2mYnGjh-sg_u0mc
  15. Hi StevenEhlert2 (or any other Inception Clan Staff), I'm interested in joining Inception. However, the link to the rules provided in the Inception Member Application redirects to a login screen. In other words, the site requires me to be a member before I can read the rules. Because I can't reasonably apply for membership without reading the rules, I would appreciate it if you (or another member of Inception Clan) could either add the current rules to a new or existing guest-friendly page on the website or post the current rules on this topic. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience. - CCCXLII
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