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More Than

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More Than last won the day on October 5 2020

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  1. Does the CSI actually do anything or just for show?
  2. If you want to get more firefighters when you call the engine from the fire station you'll need to edit the script that is related to the firestation depends on the mod but for LA mod it's called "LAFireStation.script"
  3. follow the installation instructions here guide_for_em4patcher_made_by_charlos.pdf
  4. I don't know about the game hard limits but you can try using EM4 patcher, it might help if the crash is related to memory issues.
  5. Would it be possible to make the mod playable with the actual game campaign?
  6. An update a user on discord by the name of charlos suggested i use Em4 patcher , i fixed the crashing issue and other performance issues with this amazing software.
  7. People need to stop asking this question, 90% of mods you'll see people saying dead mod but then the dev or others will say it's still being worked on until it become really dead i've seen this happen countless times. Devs usually have too much ambition and want to release 1.0 and not 0.1 that's why most of them fail too much AMBITION.
  8. open em4.cfg and search for "e4_gamma" what value is it?
  9. It's a bit weird that it's only happens when i use the parking script not the send to parking but the E or delete key.
  10. It's a new install both the game and mod, i played it a while ago and it was fine maybe the new patch did something? Or probably AMD is wrecking old games again with their pathetic drivers.
  11. For whatever reason using the parking script crashes the game this happens in other mods,
  12. Every time i use the parking script it crashes to the desktop with no error message. logfile.txt
  13. You don't need to revert to 22.5.1 , the latest Radeon driver fixed the issue.
  14. This workaround was confirmed actually almost a year ago, now with driver update 23.2.1 AMD fixed the issue.
  15. Update 22.7.1 broke some OpenGL games including Emergency 4 go back to 22.5.1 or 22.6.1
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