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Everything posted by MT275

  1. Hey on the E-350 on the right side if your driving you have two side doors.
  2. You didn't help me?I just asked a simple question?
  3. How can we turn certain events on and off?
  4. Does anyone know how to turn certain events on and off? i.e. no fires?
  5. Ok guys We're now back.We'll let you know some updates soon.
  6. Hey guys MT275 here I decided to open a topic because I don't want to see the mod die. Here is our team. MT275 FDNYRes1cue Bama1234 Aidan196 Chris3281 We have several models done but I'm working on transition. I'll let you know more in the coming days. Thanks,MT275 If any of the guys above have screenshots of the models videos,etc. that they have completed please post
  7. When I installl it says it can't find a valid inst... of the LA mod but I play it all the time with the patch installed???
  8. MT275


    Where did the additional submod unit topic go?
  9. It says its not valid,what I still don't get is the first time I installed the mod the icon worked perfectly,when I re-installed it doesn't work?
  10. On the LA mod icon what are the properties ,I can change the traditional 911 FR icon properties to the LA Mod properties.
  11. It is vista and I looked but it's not in there I installed a submod and it crashed so I had to un-install and re-install ,I am sure I selected the box for the icon because I have done this multiple times.Side note I installed service pack 1 before I re-installed the mod could this have downgraded it to 32 bit ?If it did how can I un-install it?
  12. Yes,I do but how did the icon appear on the desktop the first time I installed the mod?
  13. Anyways I have installed multiple times w/o the icon being put on the desktop.I have vista but I have had this mod before and the icon on the desktop.I am sure I selected the desktop icon check box.Why doesm't it work?
  14. It installs just fine and works fine but the icon doesn't appear on the desktop.
  15. When I select desktop icon after it installs it doesn't work I have vista but I had the mod before and had the icon why doean't it work now?
  16. When I save the mod it is in a zipped folder ,do I extratct it my C: and then move it to the mod folder right?
  17. MT275

    Which Mod?

    Maybe in the future just trying to see what people want .
  18. MT275

    Which Mod?

    Which Mod suits you?
  19. I request this topic closed. Thanks,MT275
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