An idea: At Fire station 2 I know how there is not much space but at this shot you could parralel park directly across from the bay doors, and conserve what little space you have in the back parking lot.
I need a model to be created. It WILL not be used for an in game mod. This is just to look at lighting options for a supervisors vehicle. Message me if interested please! Thanks
Ok I have seen this before on the forum but wanted to start my own topic. 1. A person posts a picture of a vehicle from a public safety dept. 2. People guess the picture. 3. The person who guess correctly then in turn posts their own picture. (Correct guess must be verified by person who posted picture!) I will start.
I do have to agree, I become less and less active on the forum because the mod has yet to release an update. I am not asking for an update or any information about the mod but it would be nice to see something, just to know the mod is still ALIVE.