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Everything posted by Corsair

  1. Yeah I checked the cone. I found out the cone was not the one I was looking at. It was a cone in Vehicle/06 Object/ Traffic cone and I was looking in Models/Objects/ LA Equipment and that's where the cone appeared but the scrip told me the model was in Model/ Vehicle but I would have never looked there since the cone isn't a vehicle. Anyways, I copied a working script from another mod and it worked. Thanks for everything!
  2. Do you know where i can get it back. i looked and I still have it. I have the dds file and v3o
  3. Hello again, I have encountered another problem with my private mod, when I place a traffic cone it shows a white box saying missing model file. So I tried everything from replacing some files to deleting some files and putting other ones. The only thing I remember that could have maybe done this was accidentally deleting a file without knowing how important it was. I still have the normal traffic cone file with the prototype and model but it still doesn't work. Heres a picture of what I mean:
  4. Ohh go figure, I just have the normal one since i got it from steam
  5. Awwwwww! How do you get search and rescue in freeplay mode? I never get them!
  6. True, most mods are abandoned after people get lives
  7. So maybe by 2017 you will release it depending how the community is. If you do release it but need help on lighting, then you know who to talk to. Just read my signature
  8. Me too. Lately there haven't been many releases. Like the Washington D.C mod, it was up and running until one day nothing happened and no one posted anything
  9. I mean emergency light outside. Imagine I have my directional lights on but it doesn't direct traffic. Thats basically what it looks like, it has lights outside of the vehicle
  10. I think its red "v.EnableTrafficLight(TLT_NONE); v.RemoveCommand(DUMMY_HASINTERIORLIGHT);} else {v.EnableTrafficLight(TLT_RED);v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_HASINTERIORLIGHT);"But correct me if I am wrong const char ICON[] = "LightOn"; const char DUMMY_HASINTERIORLIGHT[] = "DUMMYINTERIORLIGHT"; object InteriorLight : CommandScript{InteriorLight() { SetIcon(ICON); SetCursor(ICON); SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) {if (!Caller->IsValid()) return false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { return true; } return false; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) {if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) return false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { return true; } return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) {Vehicle v(Caller);if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_HASINTERIORLIGHT)){v.EnableTrafficLight(TLT_NONE);v.RemoveCommand(DUMMY_HASINTERIORLIGHT);} else {v.EnableTrafficLight(TLT_RED);v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_HASINTERIORLIGHT); } } }; object DUMMYINTERIORLIGHT : CommandScript { DUMMYINTERIORLIGHT() { SetGroupID(20); } bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller) { return false; } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { return false; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) {
  11. So in editor I got to the car I want the function in and then what do I put the light for it? Headlight, Blue Light, Special Light, Hazard light or what
  12. http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_144089499396613&key=79bd9386a12d9ac58a81d42672c87dc4&libId=idxrnfj601002eus000DAnoyme3lw&subId=&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.emergency-planet.com%2Ftopic%2F20699-interior-lighting%2F%23entry303778&v=1&out=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!u1sXTToY!p_n1LwWQKKAYXAkey2jfWi8wLmUG9nkPO50Na6Qllwo&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.emergency-planet.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcore%26module%3Dusercp%26area%3Dnotificationlog&title=Interior%20Lighting%20-%20Modding%20Related%20Support%20-%20International%20Emergency%20%26%20911%3A%20First%20Responders%20Fan%20Forum&txt=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!u1...9nkPO50Na6Qllwo
  13. No I in the "mod" the interior light button is put for the LAPD Impala as it's shown in the video.
  14. I've stated the LA Mod 3.0 alot of times and nobody ever told me that. Plus Newfoundking would have told me something right now. Heres a link to the video https://mega.nz/#!u1sXTToY!p_n1LwWQKKAYXAkey2jfWi8wLmUG9nkPO50Na6Qllwo
  15. Hello, My name is Corsair and I need help in adding Interior lighting. I saw this button on the LA Mod 3.0 Chevy Impala and I wanted to know how to add make lights only work for this function. I think it helpful and I really want to try it out. Any suggestions are welcomed. Please help
  16. Corsair


    Depends if you have permissions from the authors if you are making them from scratch then yes
  17. I ahh... how do I explain.. okay well I really am not a fan of Mayberry based mods, I dont know why but I dont love the Mayberry mod or mods based off of it. Even if I keep it in my mods folder I still dont play it and I delete it. But I will ask if they still need help. I found someone needing lighting but I will try 2 mods.
  18. Can I please help! I know how to light and put polygons. I can do the police units if you want, please let me help. -Corsair
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