Well he might have an Intel computer because this is what one time I said in the LA mod 3.5. Corsair: "I dont know why but in this mod when you preview the car you want, it wont show. Its just white. Then I noticed that all the mods do it so I dont know what to do. Can you guys help me?" Newfoundking: "It's not this mod, it's an intel thing. You're an intel user, right?" Then what randomperson139 said randomperson139: "I don't think he means the actual model. I think he means the preview box that has the model spinning around when you go to buy a unit in freeplay. Which as NFK said, is an intel thing and doesn't have a solution as far as we know. Well, unless you want to buy a new machine with a dedicated card... that would fix it, so technically that would be a solution."