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Everything posted by WildcatsMike

  1. This is an old topic, wowza. Make sure that the name is EXACT. Some mods have this issue with the campaign version of the game, just the way it is. No fix that I know of.
  2. 0.6 is the latest version. As for addons, do you mean like submods? There were a few submods that were planned but went dead/never got permission.
  3. That's what I figured as well, couldn't find a video of an NYPD unmarked suburban, so this was the closest example I could find.
  4. WOW! That's one heck of a fire! Looks great!
  5. Most of the videos are private (all but the first one). But the one I did see was very nice.
  6. I agree, it would be nice looking, but if you go realistically, the actual lights look like this:
  7. And most of the USA just has Crown Vics, Tauruses, Impalas, etc. We don't get the super fancy sports cars. But hey, the NYPD crown vic is still one of my fav cars of all time. I think it looks SOO good.
  8. From the looks of it, a lot of EMP is in Penn. He's probably overloaded on pictures. That being said, the mod appears to be dead. Haven't seen any work or heard from the mod team in about 6 months. Shame if it is indeed dead.
  9. Write your specs. Low spec computers will have an extremely hard time running EM5 in it's current state. Geez, some high-end PC's are having issues. This will eventually get patched mostly out, and it will give some low spec PC's a chance.
  10. Seems like it would take about 7 years to make that option. But i'm no modder, so I could be wrong. EM4's EMS treatment options weren't great to start off with. Most advanced thing i've seen is a spineboard. It seems logical that if something more advanced could be done, it would have been already. Northview: Paramedics is confirmed to be trying this, will be interesting to see if it can be done.
  11. My issue with getting an 1000+w is that I don't have the money for a reliable one. If I found one, it would probably explode after about 2 minutes. Found an 850w for around $90, and people say they had issues with it to start with, but once they solved the issues it works well. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182314&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Power+Supplies-_-N82E16817182314&ds_e_ad_type=pla&gclid=CjwKEAiAlb6lBRCBw4jC-bb3uykSJAB55Ti9GHLoh39dRYBwiuBKXU92FKd916tj31D-LX_OJbpDIBoCIpPw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Worth it or no? Trying to keep under $100 USD.
  12. Would be cool, but if the mod team did all the vehicles that NY uses, there would be about 80+ GB of just vehicles.
  13. Are you asking how to install mods in the .e4mod format? Or how to download them a certain way? If you are asking how to install, follow these steps. For .e4mod files 1. Extract the .e4mod file to a location you know about. 2. Right click on your EM4/911:FR desktop icon. 3. Click "Open File Location" 4. You should see a file called "Modinstaller.exe". Double click it. If it asks for your permission to run, click Yes. 5. Click "install package". You should be opened up to a file browser. 6. Find where you put the .e4mod file. Click it once, then hit "Open" (Or you can double click). 7. The mod installer should install it. If you get an error that says the game isn't properly installed, there is a topic that will assist you in fixing this issue. 8. Close and play. If you are asking how to download it to a certain way, there isn't a way to do that unless the mod is released that way. Most mods nowadays use the Folder method, but there are still some who use the .e4mod way. Hope this helps. Sorry for the long post!
  14. It's pretty hard to do everything that everyone wants. If they did include everything everyone wants, then the mod would be 46.2 GB and take 6 years to download for a lot of people. If you have a 1MB download speed, that's double, most of the time triple of mine. I downloaded it in a few hours. No need to fret. It's not as bad as you think.
  15. Really? I looked at the requirements when I purchased, it said 500. Plus, i've seen people with 500w overlock their cards and be just fine. Ok, will look into getting a lot more power. Thanks! Ok, thanks!
  16. Nice! All I will say is a forest fire would be such a pain to contain on this map (Like lot of EM4 maps). Very nicely detailed, looks like it took a lot of work.
  17. Don't think so. Itchyboy was joking, if I understood him correctly. But that script could probably be done. Interesting to see if anyone ever gives it a try!
  18. Hey guys, So I recently upgraded my GPU to a GTX 760. I've played about 5 seconds of game time total. Reason being is I got into game, loaded up my save file of Simcity 2013 (Running at Max Settings, 1440x900), and POP! My whole PC lost power. The minimum requirement for a GTX 760 is 500w, which is what I have. At least, that's what it SAYS to have. Could the problem be caused by an incapable power supply? Or is it the GTX 760 being too power hungry? I read on another site that the PC can sometimes automatically shut down if the GPU gets too hot. But 5 seconds? That can't be right. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Probably gonna end up getting a new PSU if this continues.
  19. I believe they said there was going to be one in the patch, though I'm not sure. If not, I guarantee that someone will make one.
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