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About EM4_Freak

  • Birthday 07/30/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Wales, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    rts games in general, but Emerency 4 is a favourite

Contact Methods

  • Skype

EM4_Freak's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. did you remove the hose connectors from the vehicle?
  2. apperently uk version (english) is to be released 30th/31st october, 2014
  3. I can't wait, I truly can't the difference between emergency 4 and 5 is clear to say the least, the editor looks amazing, I mean spray able textures wow! And I'm also really looking forward to seeing the mods, I hope hoppah can find the time to come out of retirement and release an emergency 5 mod
  4. hey bama, where can i find the link for the latest montana mod? sorry if im asking such a simple question, thanks in advance
  5. thanks for the help, and yes i have paint.net but i will give adobe a shot, thanks again
  6. hi guys, im new to this forum, but not to emergency 4, i noticed a new landrover download by BASTION, my question is... when i download individual models how do i incorparate them into the game?? also apart from GIMP which i use for skinning models, in there another program i can use for skinning, want to try something new many thanks
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