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  1. Is the event still there with the chemical plant fire that gets way out of control at the lower right end of the map near the bottom. I heard that event was being possibly removed from the mod. Please let me know. Thanks a lot!
  2. I tried the link he posted and did not work!
  3. I was wondering is there anyway to fix the aeriel truck that sits sideways in the garage so that your rescue truck and the engine sitting beside of it can move. Please let me know. Thanks a lot!
  4. I noticed a problem with the aeriel ladder. It sits sideways in the garage and blocks the rescue truck and the engine on the other side of it and I can not turn it around and move it. Thought I would report this.
  5. I have a question. I play this mod on the new LA Mod free-play map and I know you said it is a bug where the ambos do not return to station when you click the red x button on the commands screen for the unit. Do I need to put it on the old free-play map or just have the ambos patrol the city when done with a call till this is fixed. Please let me know. Thanks a lot!
  6. I have a question! Version 3.1 when it is released and uploaded is it going to be in the same format using mod install to install it or a win rar format file where you extract the file directory into the mods folder. Please let me know about this. Thanks a lot!
  7. I can not play the updated version of the mod version 3.1 for every time I go to install it is says the mod file is corrupted when I use the mod installer program that came with EM4. I have had this problem since it was posted. Version 3.0 works fine for me! Please let me know about this. Thanks a lot!
  8. Is there anyway when you re-upload the file for us you can make a zip file or a win-rar file so that those of us who mod installer file do not work can copy the directory into our mods folder and install it that way. Please let me know. Thanks a lot!
  9. Will all the firehouses on the map be operational I'm just curious since I noticed in the middle of the map there are red dots for stations but no stations there just ways to turn the railroad tracks off!
  10. Awesome Work! Can not wait to the patch comes out to play the mod like it should be. Do you plan to add the new nyfd units like the KME engines like 316 and things like that. Would like to see them along with the first responding 9-11-01 engine and ladder truck!
  11. I have another question where is the alarm button to call in volunteers is there one at the station or do you have to call out of map units to bring in people to man trucks!
  12. I love the mod but I have a question since it is a known bug how do you get the stretcher out of the ambulance and transport your patients to the hospital. I have tried with several vehicles and have had no luck in doing so! Please let me know about this since this is known. Thanks a lot!
  13. I can not wait for it either! Going to be fun to play! Awesome Job! Love the Blue and Yellow Engines!
  14. I even changed the file to have a .e4mod extension and went into mod installer and it said this is not a valid mod file.
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