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  1. Not trying to necro but still works got it thanks :)
  2. Hi a friend and I are playing em4 la mod through hamachi and the game wont give extra money here is what we edited. <freeplayparameters> <MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "120.0" /> <MaxIdleDuration value = "110.0" /> <Seed value="0"/> <BuyFactor value="10.0"/> <SellFactor value="0.5"/> <GlobalEventFrequencyFactor value="2.0"/> <TimeSpeedFactor value="1.0"/> <StartBudget value="9560000"/> <MaxBudget value="11300000"/> <Earnings value="190000"/> <SquadPriceGrowth value="20.0"/>
  3. Cool, project is there a spot to download it in a working state yet?
  4. @Ropie it looks very nice.
  5. Hi there, is this still be worked on? Will it work for the new 2016?
  6. To the top, thanks for this description   Steam users, goto the game right click in library, goto properties, then browse local, and thats how you get it it.   C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\911 First Responders   As this is outdated Next, navigate to the folder your game is installed in and go to \Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.6\Specs   Once you get there goto the mod and update the files you want there are four just do endless and endless d the same as challenge, Dont copy paste cause there are difference, just the values.
  7. Well they are mad, but I feel they are mad its not em4. E2016 in my opinion plays well and looks nice. it lacks awesome mods.
  8. Emergency 5 - Deluxe Edition 24.99 USD Date confirmed: Fri Feb 27 21:36:11 2015 Emergency 2016 5.99 USD Date confirmed:Fri Oct 16 08:11:57 2015 I attached a picture I just took to show you.
  9. http://store.steampowered.com/app/404920 It has come to my attention that emergency 2016 is on sale for less than a month for almost 10 USD. I would say its worth it. In my opinion.
  10. Dear emergency planet. It has come to my attention that E 2016 is on sale until November 16th for 9.99US. http://store.steampowered.com/app/404920
  11. EM2106? I cannot find anything on that what is EM2106?
  12. So not get to hate here from the masses but I gave them there 5.99 since I already had em5 or 2015. The most I can say is its not the same without the LA mod. There are four big maps to choose from, all overseas from where I am. There are nice buttons to choose vehicles and it works a lot better than 2015 at launch did. But the variety of units in the LA mod. The five dollar deal lasts to the 19th and I did it with hopes at some point it may become better, Here's to hope.
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