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Dennis Reid

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About Dennis Reid

  • Birthday January 30

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  1. That looks to be a texture issue. Like itchboy said all the materials in the model must have a correctly named texture and UV map.
  2. Just as a fair warning,(I know I'm not an admin or anything) but I'd watch the double-posting it's against the forum rules.
  3. I have to agree with itch, while the map does in fact look cool, it wouldn't pass for a rural american town. It would be easier to make one of Katy by summarizing the township into the map. Add your two major highways, residential areas and a couple landmarks(malls, clubs, stadiums, etc.) rather than removing all the European buildings and adding all the american ones in, not to mention adding the Emergency services on map with their proper stations and VO's. Although the lights for the engine look really good!
  4. I have contemplated an Pierce ascendant, however no department in my mods have purchased said truck in real life, but I might do one for the fun of it in the future.
  5. Version 1.7 was never announced by the team. That specific version is not mayberry 1.7, Someone else made it and claimed it as Mayberry Version 1.7
  6. And you edited the name Signature from "Sargent Nickolas to Justin Parr" you're such a horrible liar Nick. Just Cut the crap *SORRY FOR DOUBLE POSTING*
  7. Okay Nick, so now i can have you arrested for impersonating a military personal, sexual harassment, d-dos threat, suicide Threats(More or less suicide watch), and homicide threats.... i also have a screenshot of why you were banned.... here's the proof
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