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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. I'll take a look. What is the class for the Green traffic light? I know that Special lights is "EnableSpecialLights" so my guess is that it is "EnableTrafficlightGreen" or something
  2. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to try that one.
  3. Is there a way to have both Scene lights and Directional lights on one vehicle? The problem with it is that both the buttons turn on/off any "special" lights on the vehicle, so is there a way to make it so they don't do this?
  4. Yep I am, sorry. So used to it being the first section I click on for Emergency 4- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin please delete topic
  5. Is there a way to have both Scene lights and Directional lights on one vehicle? The problem with it is that both the buttons turn on/off any "special" lights on the vehicle, so is there a way to make it so they don't do this?
  6. I have this every now and then, I believe restarting my PC worked (Sorry, haven't had it for a while)
  7. Im not sure about this at the moment, hopefully yes but they wouldn't be many bomb calls due to the map.
  8. I will definitely be trying this, always a pain to export from blender just to import to ZModeler then export it again. Great job
  9. Hmm, im not sure. If you search EM4 Camera hack in google there are many posts about it.
  10. Does this include giving credits in pictures? (So if someones model was in a picture of your mod).
  11. The video TACRfan posted on the ARV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still need to give the LR some wheels and more detail, in the skin and model.
  12. Yes, Kent use them for Traffic and Unmakred ARV's. Hopefully more secrets to come then Close-ups a little later and I only thought they used the Disco's for traffic and this UM TFV. Will look into it though. ----------------------------------------------- Just me that noticed the glowing green alien in TACRfan's video?
  13. You could probably hostage mission with a lot of civilians by the gunman, then when you arrive he will start shooting them anyway. I have no idea how you can do it so he shoots beforehand.
  14. Oh my goodness I completely overlooked that Send me a message with your Youtube channel, I'll explain why there.
  15. It's a privilege to have such I good lighter helping me on the mod
  16. When you check you can see the writing in the Top right picture And you are right, it is nothing It's just a tent
  17. Nothing at all... *Cough* -------------------------------------------------------------------- A few pictures of the new POV, notice the "Clean me" in the dust
  18. Some vehicles will, some won't. It depends on how the model is done.
  19. Fan Banners A few people have asked me about Banners and I finally got around to it This is only one of them but don't worry more will come. All Banners will be available on the First post of the topic next to their name in the Unit list. If you know how, it would be greatly appreciated if you add a link to this topic with the banner.
  20. Sorry forgot to say, turns out I did one tiny little step wrong. Works fine now
  21. Panic button should be available, in the script available it calls all patrolling vehicles and vehicles on "Standby" mode. There will a few spaces at the hospital, but not many because of the Ambulance Station that will be on the map, this will hold most of the ambulances. The Police station will have a nice amount of Units outside (The amount you would normally find at a bigger Police station), things like PO vans, IRV's, etc. Traffic vehicles will be at the RPU Base. Of course these units can be called in also if you need some extra help.
  22. Yes it will be proper stations like the LA Mod, same for the Ambulance Stations and Police Stations. You can of course call extra units in too.
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