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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. Yes it's a current WIP by some well known members.
  2. It will be in the next update. I have explained this many times but the released version is VERY early, the callout menu wasn't done but in case you ran out of things you have the LA stuff there.
  3. It isn't the freeplay map but one of the others, either that or it's one of the Expanded Freeplay mods. I just had it in my downloads from a while ago so I can't be sure. The Power UK van isn't playable, just for decoration - There will be technical vans though (Network rail, Gas etc)
  4. I am not sure, it was from the original game I think. That's the Power UK van you can see Event was part of the map but I like it as well.
  5. *Mod Update* Mod moved to a different, better temporary map.
  6. I got two notifications that you posted but only this one is showing
  7. Those are Argocats ( )%C2'> are marked down separately in the fleet list so can't be them. I am heading to a Fire Station in a couple of weeks so I'll try asking then for you if you don't figure it out.
  8. I'm not actually sure on that one, sounds like a Comms vehicle or something. KFRS Have small workvans for that type of thing. Or just said a Turntable ladder to do it like they did in my road a few years back haha.
  9. Unfortunately not, I can't think of any reason the script would not use the physics that the prototype has.
  10. I would say it's because of it being box physics but from the other one working fine it would appear you created the custom physics yourself. It's almost like the one placed via script is not using these custom physics for some reason.
  11. It is most defiantly a Physics issue, can people walk through the one placed by the script when it is not "installed" on the plane?
  12. Actually no I still have the 2014 list on my Computer, thanks for telling me!
  13. Had a look, changed a few bits that I thought could be causing it but same problem. It was working fine beforehand, all I did was change a little part of the model and then resize it. ---------- Edit:- No idea what I did but it's now working. I was fiddling with the UV Maps and Materials so I guess you were right, thanks
  14. I am able to load my mod but upon loading the map, I crash to desktop. My logfile reads as follows: |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434.v3o|[VNUM=1.43]?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434?ERROR: Invalid Surface assigned to Model mod:Models\Vehicles\London Fire Brigade\A434|Model contains 11474 vertices, 12192 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframesWhen exporting the Model from ZModeler I get no errors. I did have the same problem the other week BUT I got an error in ZModeler and after about 3 hours managed to fix it, however I tried the fix this time and it did not work at all, everything seems correct.
  15. Currently waiting on USAR to finish the Unit callouts however I think he is currently away so it will be a bit quiet for a little longer.
  16. *Insert random 100th page speech here* Mod is still coming along, a lot of bits being changed/added to make it an easier gameplay experience for all!
  17. The way I am planning on doing the Police Station Riot Gear will not have a "Non-Suited up version". But yes you can put on/off high viz jackets. I do not know. I wouldn't think so, most of the time they use the Hard Shoulder but if they just can't get through they would just stop responding. Depends how close they are to where they want to be.
  18. Do you mean have certain officers able to change into Riot Gear? I would also say CID
  19. Yeah haha fixed it now, had to move the vans slightly over.
  20. I already have the photo and it has been posted, just forgot if it were a V70 or XC70 Some great stories UKModMan
  21. It's a good idea, I'll keep it in mind. Possibly if I can make one.
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