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About TacticalTakedwn

  • Birthday 11/15/1997

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    Fire Fighting

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  1. Hello, I have no pictures for you guys unfortunately, but I am here with news. We are in need of a scripter for Tri County. We do not ask too much of the scripter. In return the scripter will get credit for helping with the mod and be part of the mod team. If you are interested please send me a message in the Emergency-Planet messenger. Thank You
  2. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, I was busy yesterday. Yes, though; as Dennis said it is a fictional County with three towns as of right now.
  3. Hey, Welcome to the Official forum topic of the Tri County Mod. The Tri County Mod consists of three cities, two on-map, and one off-map. The City of Belmont and the City of Orchard Park are on map, off map is the the City of North Farms. Tri County consists of many departments including: Belmont Police and Belmont Fire Protection District, Orchard Park Police and Orchard Park Fire/Rescue, North Farms Police and North Farms Fire/Rescue. All the towns have fire department operated EMS. Tri County also has Tri County Public Works. This mod is in very early development, so please bear with us as we work to complete the mod. Our team consists of many dedicated members: Skinning: - Ryan (myself) - Josh (FDNYpower) - Zach (TheBaker2k) Lighting: - Ryan (myself) - Josh (FDNYpower) - Zach (TheBaker2k) Modeling: - Dennis Scripting: Credits for non-Tri County team members: - Itchboy - Hoppah - THVFD Please Remember, Tri County if in very early development. There will be pictures for you guys soon. Check in to this topic once a week for updates, I will keep you posted. If there are any questions about the modification or the team, contact me via Emergency Planet Messenger. Thank You.
  4. To all who read this be advised, we have changed teamspeak servers, check it out on our website.
  5. I am making a modification and need help putting the lightbar on the model through zmodeler. My license platform is being a pain and wont work. I was hoping someone can contact me through here and help me out by putting the lightbar on the model please. Thank you.
  6. Hello everyone on Emergency Planet. My friends and I have recently created and great clan called Multi District Emergency Response Department, or MDERD for short. MDERD was founded by 5 people from other EM4 clans. We made this clan so everyone can have fun, but before we get there we need you guys to join us. We are currently in the process of beginning our own private mod as well, which is exclusive to members of MDERD. You can join us by visiting our website at http://www.mderd.enjin.com. After you visit our website you can stop by our Teamspeak Server, which the information is on the site. We have a great Staff for you guys to talk to with various ages. You must be 13 years old to join. If you have any questions, again go to our website at http://www.mderd.enjin.com to get our Teamspeak. We will answer you sooner if you were to hop on our Teamspeak rather than messaging us on our website. Your Deputy Chief, TacticalTakedwn (Ryan)
  7. I don't think I can reinstall it because i downloaded the game, not through steam or anything like that, should i just rebuy it?
  8. I have been trying to play Emergency 4 for almost two months, but for some reason it just does not start anymore. I click the icon on the desktop, I've tried to run as administrator and start it through the folder. It had the mouse with the loading sign for about 5 seconds, then it highlights the games icon on the desktop like it started the game, but it doesn't start, does anyone know what I could do?
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