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About ATSgaming

  • Birthday 06/06/1994

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  • Location
    Rhode Island, United States
  • Interests
    Video games

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  1. Anyone wanna play Northview South County mod with me? If so add me on Steam ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081591815/ ) and download evolve ( https://www.evolvehq.com/download ) so you can connect. You need to have knowledge of how to use the rapiddeployment and chaseme script because I just wanna play with someone else who knows about that stuff. I don't have a mic but we'll have fun anyways.
  2. I hope that this mod doesn't just like phase off of the earth never to be seen again, I hope at least this sub-mod can stay around. But good luck!
  3. Greetings from Rhode Island. Just saying hi.
  4. Heres how I did it incase anyone needs it. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/10542-scripts-of-la-mod-to-other-mods/?hl=lachase
  5. Nevermind. Figured it out. Feel free to take down this topic.
  6. Hi, I was wondering how I would add Hoppah's lachase script into a mod. I looked on the forums and the tutorials, and saw the siren script tutorial. I'm wondering is it the same proceedure as the siren script to get it to work ingame?
  7. Link to the forums does not work/exist.
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