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Enterpriese E

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Everything posted by Enterpriese E

  1. Hello guys, since a few weeks I working on a little mod based on the fictional Firehouse from the movie "Ladder 49". At the moment the plan is to creat a little mod, where the user plays the fire trucks and crew from one fire house. The map will be new, I guess the half of the freeplay map. The player should have normal day calls and at irregular intervals bigger calls (e.g. big house fire etc.). I want to show the life on the station also ^^ The focus is based at the 2 Fire Trucks from the Station you play, police and ambulance have no big role. Vehicles planned: Here are recent insights from the development: Greets from Germany, Luca
  2. You can download the Fire Truck in one of the german forums, but you need to register: http://nrw-modifications.com/filebase/index.php/Entry/132-USA-Mack-Engine/ Edit: DL is back
  3. Zöllner: "Haben Sie etwas zu verzollen?"Mann: "Nein."Zöllner: "Und was haben sie in dem Sack?"Mann: "Sand."Bei der Kontrolle stellt sich heraus: tatsächlich Sand.Eine ganze Woche lang kommt jeden Tag der Mann mit dem Fahrrad und dem Sack auf dem Gepäckträger. Am achten Tag wirds dem Zöllner doch verdächtig:Zöllner: "Was haben sie in dem Sack?"Mann: "Nur Sand."Zöllner: "Hmm, mal sehen..."Der Sand wird diesmal gesiebt - Ergebnis: nur Sand.Der Mann kommt weiterhin jeden Tag zur Grenze....

  4. You must open the .v3o with an edito and must changer the png. file. By other problems write me a message.
  5. Spanien vs. Frankreich morgen um 8 Uhr

  6. Fach: EnglischLehrer: Herr Dr. ThielenNote: 2-3Sitznachbar: Arne oder Inga/Corinna Drück Gefällt mir & du bekommst auch ein Fach :P

  7. Frankreichs Basketballer Noah von den Chicago Bulls ist angetan vom europäischen Basketball: "Das europäische Spiel ist intelligenter als in der NBA. Man bekommt weniger Räume geboten, und man muss viel häufiger zur richtigen Zeit an der richtigen Stelle stehen", sagte der 26 Jahre alte Center der Franzosen am Rande der EM in Litauen, "Europas Basketball hat in der NBA zwar den Ruf, etwas weicher und weniger körperbetont zu sein. Aber das kann ich nicht bestätigen. Es ist das genaue Gegenteil."

  8. @ police189: The Skins are a test, but we need the cars for the presentation. I hope it's not a problem. @ cops and chrisblaalid : Whats your problem? The activation code? @ all: I make a fix for the Lightbar on the Crown Vic and the Van @ goog1967: I know the problem with the wheels. Pleas get support under nrw-modifications.net If you have other problems please register at NRW Forum and get Support from the modders. Luca
  9. ich habe das land Türkeiwar ich schon mal da? Nömag ich das land ? Jo, und das essen ;)kenne ich jemanden dort? Nöwenn ihr auch ein land wollt drückt auf 'gefällt mir' ... :D

  10. "Skins by Enterprise" is a headline for the 2 downloads under it The Skins from the Cars are from GTA Mods, right
  11. The models are not from ME (Enterpriese E)! You can find the downloads also under nrw-modifications.net ! Support under: nrw-modifications.net Cars by DR.NNICO Ford Crown Victoria (Rework) Ford E-350 Ford Excursion '04 Read the rules: 0th Use only for 'episodes' of the computer gameemergency allows. 0th The 'Install' and scale of my products is allowed. Alphamodding was also granted you. 0th Rebuilding prohibited. 0th Attribution is not required. Lightbars by DR.NNICO Whelen LFL Liberty® Set FedSig's Arjent S2 Lightbar Set Read the rules: 0th Use only for 'episodes' of the computer gameemergency allows. 0th The 'Install' and scale of my products is allowed. Alphamodding was also granted you. 0th Rebuilding prohibited. 0th Attribution is not required. Lightbars and other Childs by Engine.Co.7 battering ram Download battering ram Download Whelen Lightbar Download Crown Vic: Dr.NNico Excursion: TimmeyX Read the rules: 1st 3D changes only on request. 2nd Naming the authors under Screens duty. 3rd Readme obligation to name the authors. 4th Naming except for incident reports Skins by Enterpriese E Read the rules: 1st The use is permitted only for the game Emergency. 2nd Skinning the skins are allowed. 3rd Names of the authors is not mandatory. 4th A reference in the readme would be nice but not mandatory. 5th The uploading or offering my downloads on other forums is prohibited. (References, such as links or "Red Forum" are allowed) 6th Rules from other modders, of which attached parts (vehicles, Childs, etc.) are present in force. Readme for LAMA's lights: http://w1531235.serv...965824525c1aaaaI hope you like the downloads of the german modders. We like feedback Luca alias Enterpriese E
  12. @ askjeeves you must be registerd We now the Brush Patrol we will fix this Thank You
  13. Deutschland verliert gegen Litauen und verpasst so den Einzug ins Viertelfinale der EM. Leider hat es nicht für eine Verlängerung gereicht.

  14. Für alle die es interessiert:Um 19:50 Basketball EM auf Sport 1.Deutschland vs. Litauen.Wir müssen gewinnen sonst sind wir raus, also anfeueren!

  15. In Gedenken an die 343 Feuerwehrleute, 60 Polizisten und acht Sanitäter die bei den Rettungseinsätzen im und um das WTC ihr Leben ließen.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXK8RNXlkhw&feature=player_embedded
  17. You can Download the E Series Van at http://w1531235.server2.flyhost.de/index.php?page=Board&boardID=190. Greets Luca
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