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Everything posted by itchboy

  1. That would be it. I posted that code expecting that you'd proofread it first before sending it ingame. That piece of code is useless for your purposes. SND_TOSTATION would also need to be changed to work.
  2. IIRC Blackwood County mod had a Jeep Wrangler. And didn't I say no requests?
  3. Fire alarm script. If you know how to install it into your mod.
  4. Not a car, but might be useful. A pair of fire alarms for those who have the script in their mods. And noneya better start asking me for requests cuz I aint doing none.
  5. But the game still counts them as car crashes despite being otherwise. IMO, this method adds unecessary strain to the game and its performance, especially having to load so many gameObjects.
  6. Tiller trailer needs to be in a for loop because the game has to "seek out" the specific tiller trailer connected to the Tiller cabin. The for loop scans every single vehicle on the map and if it finds the tiller trailer, it then disables its lights accordingly. The UK got no tillers so that piece of code is useless to you. What I sent you is just the flashing lights code without the tiller functinality and with a sound being played.
  7. If you have Em4 deluxe, there already is a forest fire mission available to play with. Problem is, the majority here I believe use 911FR or normal Em4, so they don't have the event in freeplay. Like I said, mission related stuff is very difficult to pull of and it required that you basically recreate normal freeplay, but in the campaign mode. I've tried making my own mission script. Very difficult to do and progress is super slow due to the amount of code and functions I have to deal with.
  8. Did some tinkering. The for loop is for the LAFD Tiller which is useless to you. I'd suggest deleting the whole piece of code and leaving it like this: http://pastebin.com/cWu1mvmp
  9. Custom events unfortunately require mission script logic which is very very very hard to do. Believe me. The most one can do is use the default Em4 events and position them in a way that the forest complicates them and makes them more difficult to solve. An example would be a gas explosion in a cabin surrounded by trees. Now that would be a challenge.
  10. My way of doing it would be to place the Sound function first. Then put the BlueLights(true) function after that. I do not see what the use of a for loop is in a flashing light script if it only applies to one vehicle. If you were trying to disable all the lights on every vehicle within a certain range, using a for loop would be the necessary thing to do. I have a similar button that I've created for my LAPD Command vehicle. I have named it the "Shut the ****" button because it disables the lights and sirens of every vehicle in 1500.0f float range ingame.
  11. Kinda gives me an idea on a script that creates "firebreaks" that makes the trees behind the firebreak invincible and cannot burn. It would need some work from Ace612 but it could be done. And now, the crowd applauses and begs for the script.
  12. Desktop user here. Its the Pause Break button. And thank you for liking the details on them. Moar pics:
  13. Alternative option. Go to Specs/audiocommands.xml Create a new entry for your command. Assign it a sound to play once it is activated. redactedChange the command name to the one you desire. Then change the sample file to the sound you want to play. In the first place, I'm wondering what the PlaySound() function is doing in a for loop. I only use the play sound function in a single instance. What is the aim of the for loop? To seek out and search for any number of DLK's or RW's?
  14. I've seen the vid and it only appears to be limited to 360 degree rotation and extinguishing fires. From looking at the vid, I have a pretty good idea how it works. It involves the animation of lifting the arm. Then the arm itself is then replaced by a "dummy" DLK that can rotate, cool and extinguish. Its some very fine scripting work, and I would say one of the more impressive ones I've ever seen.
  15. Oh. I didnt think my PC's performance in Em4 was remarkable in any way shape or form. Another sample vid. Its choppy because it really is in my PC. If I had better specs, maybe I would have less lag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI56QzzxGnI
  16. Is it a sound played the instant the command button is pressed?
  17. Try looking at the LA Mod ToStation scripts. They would play a sound upon pressing a button.
  18. Thanks. Its a personal touch that I wanted to do for a while. Every single fire engine and brush truck in the game has pump panel lights btw. How to quell a riot in Em4 without losing 20 officers and burning the map down:
  19. Does it work as good as say, the original Em4 ladder? As in the FF can enter multistory buildings and the snorkel can rotate around? Or does it only plainly elevate and extinguish like the LA Mod Tiller?
  20. You've managed to get it to work in Em4? I am legitmitely curious and would like to see a video of it in action.
  21. Go to your em4.cfg (or em4deluxe.cfg) Go to the line <var name="e4_doocclusion" value="1" /> Change that value to 0.
  22. Personel skins? Its a possibilty. Lifeguard? Not sure because the "sea" part of the map is owned by the Port Police, so I think their boats would respond to drowning people and not LA Lifeguard. Maybe if the top part was a beach then only would the Lifeguards be a useful feature.
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