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Everything posted by itchboy

  1. You'd have to make your own, or re-hash an existing one, depending on what mod you are using and what you want to do. Extinguish and cool have nothing to do with them being assigned on the person units. You'd most likely have to assign them so that when they connect to the engine, they are automatically given the cool/ext cmds.
  2. You need to deal with making additional dummy commands to automatically assign the cool, extinguish and any other cmds to the firefighters so that their functionality is retained.
  3. Have you enabled 'radiation' on each light? Make sure radiation is enabled on no more than 6 lights in order to mimize lag.
  4. 2 places need to be setup. First one would be the traits editor in the Em4 editor. Second place would be the units.xml file for the specified unit. If you dont have a units xml, it doesnt seem to want to work for some reason.
  5. Tis be one of the many reasons we took the mod down. You cant put out a product which has such a huge 'loophole' in its gameplay.
  6. This is how some mods are. They dont spawn vehicles at start because they are multiplayer oriented.
  7. For swapping maps, I dont think there is any need to copy paste anything, unless: The newer map has newer assets, buildings, vehicles The newer version of the mod has scripts that need to be accommodated in If either are true, you need to copy paste the newer files and put them over or alongside the older ones, so that the older map gains any functionalities added into the new version. You will need to check a lot of things if any were changed, modified, etc.
  8. Depends. You will have to move some VO's that already exist in order to fit them into different stations (if any), and create the VO's that exist on the newer map but not the older one. Not an easy job due to how Em4 is as a game, but it can be done if you put enough time into it. Moving VO's has the effect of screwing up the vehicle's ability to park there so you will have a lotta trial and error when dealing with that.
  9. You can swap maps in any mod really, as long as you carry over all the relevant VO's, commands, objects, paths, stations and minor details. There is no shortcut in doing this unfortunately. Em4 also doesnt have a copy paste function for VO's, and the one that does work wont allow you to paste things from mod to mod.
  10. No. Also I'm giving you another verbal warning for making 5 consecutive posts. Double posting is against site rules. Quintuple posting is just an insult to everyone here. Ive made the effort of merging your posts. Make sure I never have to do that again please. I'd also like to remind everyone else to please keep it clean and on topic in here.
  11. Its an Em4 thing that cant be fixed. Objects viewed through transparency are inconsistent and dont display correctly all the time. Once you can get any object to show up correctly on either side of the glass (at least once in a while) thats the best you can hope for with Em4.
  12. Available right in our DL center on this site. The vehicles it contains are mostly Eastern Euro type ones.
  13. Just keep it descriptive from now on. The original title sounded off-topic and unrelated to Em4.
  14. I strongly recommend changing the post title you used to something less 'clikbaity' and more descriptive of what you have.
  15. I am not on FB. Do not spam my YouTube as well asking for me.
  16. Helljumper's pack is of 80s US fire vehicles. Old Euro stuff is very uncommon in the Em4 community. Only one I can remember is the models from the DDR mod but not sure on their permissions.
  17. I'd advise redoing the modelling on the front headlights. It has a considerably different shape than the Sprinter. The rear parts as well. Redo the UV map to the existing texture then you're all set. The grill actually looks the part on the Sprinter model but the headlights seem too obvious.
  18. When you made an account to this website, you agreed to the terms of service.
  19. Yes, you will need to make a variant of the code that works as a dozer trailer.
  20. No rush. I need this info just so I know whether this belongs in the main conceptual mods page or in the WIP section. Some info: The main thing we look out for regarding submods is whether they are just LA/Mayberry/Montana mod but with reskinned vehicles. If it has major deviation from those mods, it can exist as its own mod. Submods are mods that contain a minimum of 60% of other people's content. Once you hit 40% of your own content, it becomes its own mod. There is no real fixed way of measuring that, so the standard is one or two new models (either model mashes or totally new content) or creation of new scripts. Aspects like new maps also help contribute to the 'own content' percentage.
  21. My statement is aimed more as a general rule for larger depts, like NY or LA. Most of their older, 10+ year old stuff gets put into reserve duty or put in divisions that do less essential stuff (mail carrier, presscon vehicle) or end up as training vehicles that they bash around. Smaller towns tend to have older stuff for fire depts, esp VFD ones. PD tend to change vehicles at a higher rate due to the abuse they put cop cars through. Curbs, bulletholes and impacts. In order to avoid going off topic, my take on it regarding Em4 is to have a mix of old and new vehicles if the intention is to replicate a 2016 setting. Another advice is that older vehicles are harder to find good references for so thats another thing to consider when making them.
  22. Topic moved by request. Is this a submod of any kind? Will it rely heavilly on either LA, Montana or Mayberry mod? As to the old vehicles theme, general guidline is that common passenger vehicles (cop cars, chief rigs and similar) get scrapped 15 years old or 300k miles maximum.
  23. You need to play with the xml files over in Specs in order to add the mission into there. Add in as well the important LA vehicles like the government limos, the black tahoes, helis, and other misc army vehicles that were props in that mission. Check out the campaign.xml. Also check the Lang folder which contains the mission titles and texts.
  24. Once again, please refrain from posting in all caps. Using all caps makes it sound like you're shouting at us. From the terms of service:
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