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Everything posted by itchboy

  1. He would need to make a script where paramedics fetch a patient from the vehicle, disembark, put patient in hospital, get back in MCU, and do it again. Seems like a simple loop script for(int i =0; i < v.GetNumTransports(); i++) { do what i said. do what i said. }
  2. Your welcome. Hope your mod works out and I wish it the best.
  3. Might have something do do with the texture. Is it DXT1, DXT3 or DXT5? Fully opaque textures should be saved as DDS DXT1. Or you could convert it into .png format and save yourself the trouble of having to memorize the types of DDS files.
  4. Am interested. Is this by any chance the Suburban with the screwed up interior model?
  5. ChildID's are essentially divisions of the main script. Each ChildID is a predefined set of conditions for the script to execute. It is used in conjunction with the v.PushActionExecuteCommand() function. Note the number that is before false or true. Example: v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_TOPOLICESTATION, Caller, 1, false); This means that the script will execute that command in its first child. Its logic is like this: if (ChildID == 1){ Do some stuff}else if (ChildID == 2){ Do other stuff different from the first}You can use the PushActionExecuteCommand to execute a specific child in the script, or in other scripts. The important thing is that number.
  6. DAT ENGINE tho...beautiful. The skin on the ambulance is great. Looks fitting to what I made. BTW, gunswat, you can disable the camera limit by unchecking the Map/Cam Bounds on the bottom of the editor.
  7. I'd like to see a screenshot of all of that content. Also, your welcome.
  8. Here's a little fix I devised a long time ago: Note the little addition at around line 466 //******************************************************************************************// #Version 1.2#//// Includes: Chase commands for police vehicles//// - VcmdFollow// - DummyUpdateFollowPos// - DummyFollow//// Script by Hoppah// // Usage of this script in other mods is NOT allowed without permission of Hoppah////******************************************************************************************const char CMD_FOLLOW[] = "VcmdFollow";const char CMD_SIREN[] = "VcmdSiren";const char DUMMY_ARREST2[] = "DummyArrest2";const char DUMMY_HASSIREN[] = "DummyHasSiren";const char DUMMY_DISABLE[] = "DummyDisableSiren";const char DUMMY_PATROL[] = "DummyPatrol";const char NAME_DUMMYOBJECT[] = "DummyFollow";const char NAME_BLOCK[] = "DummyBlock";const char DUMMY_UPDATEPOS[] = "DummyUpdateFollowPos";const char DUMMY_FOLLOW[] = "DummyFollow";const char EACTION_FINDPATH[] = "EActionFindPath";const char CMD_PUTINCAR[] = "PutInCar";const char CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF[] = "VcmdAutoSirenOff";const char CMD_SHOOTGUN[] = "Shoot";const char CMD_HOLSTERGUN[] = "HolsterWeapon";const char CMD_DRAWGUN[] = "DrawWeapon";const char CMD_ARREST[] = "Arrest";const char CMD_ARREST2[] = "PcmdArrest2";const char SND_DRAW[] = "mod:Audio/FX/Misc/DrawWeapon.wav";const char SND_HOLSTER[] = "mod:Audio/FX/Misc/HolsterWeapon.wav";const char SND_CARTHEFT1[] = "mod:Audio/FX/radio/pd_stolencar1.wav";const char SND_CARTHEFT2[] = "mod:Audio/FX/radio/pd_stolencar1.wav";const char SND_ESCAPECAR[] = "mod:Audio/FX/radio/pd_escapecar.wav";const char SND_PERSON[] = "mod:Audio/FX/radio/pd_person.wav";const char SND_AMOK[] = "mod:Audio/FX/radio/pd_amokdriver.wav";const char DUMMY_EQUIPMENT[] = "DummyEquipmentCommands";int DummyGroup = 29;object VcmdFollow : CommandScript{ VcmdFollow() { SetIcon("follow"); SetCursor("follow"); SetGroupID(DummyGroup); SetGroupLeader(true); SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_NOTDESTROYED | RESTRICT_NOTINJURED); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_VEHICLE | ACTOR_PERSON); SetPriority(10); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Caller->HasCommand(CMD_SIREN)) return false; if (Caller->GetType()==ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle v(Caller); if(v.GetVehicleType() != VT_POLICE_STW && v.GetVehicleType() != VT_POLICE_MTW && v.GetVehicleType() != VT_POLICE_SW) return false; if(v.GetNumPassengers() == 0) return false; } return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Target->GetID() == Caller->GetID())) return false; if (Caller->GetType()==ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle v(Caller); if(v.GetNumPassengers() == 0) return false; } if (Target->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle t(Target); if (!t.IsValid() || t.IsParking() || t.IsUplifted() || t.IsDestroyed() || t.IsSmoking() || (t.GetVehicleType() != VT_NOSQUAD && t.GetVehicleType() != VT_GANGSTER_GETAWAY)) return false; } else if (Target->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { Person p(Target); if(!p.IsValid() || p.IsLinkedWithPerson() || p.IsCarryingPerson() || p.GetEnteredCarID() != -1 || p.IsPhysicsSimulationEnabled() || p.GetRole() == ROLE_ANIMAL || p.GetRole() == ROLE_SQUAD) return false; if(p.GetRole() == ROLE_GANGSTER) SetPriority(800); } return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Vehicle v(Caller); GameObject t(Target); if (childID == 0) { if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_FOLLOW)) { v.RemoveCommand(DUMMY_FOLLOW); int VecID = v.GetID(); GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_DUMMYOBJECT); for(int i=0; i<list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { GameObject *obj = list.GetObject(i); if (obj->GetUserData() == VecID) { obj->PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); } } } if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle vt(&t); if (vt.HasName("stolencar") && !vt.WasStoppedByRoadblock()) { if (rand()%2 == 0) Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_CARTHEFT1, vt.GetPosition()); else Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_CARTHEFT2, vt.GetPosition()); } else if (vt.GetVehicleType() == VT_GANGSTER_GETAWAY && !vt.WasStoppedByRoadblock()) Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ESCAPECAR, vt.GetPosition()); else if (vt.IsDriveByShooting() && !vt.WasStoppedByRoadblock()) Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_AMOK, vt.GetPosition()); } else if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { Person p(&t); if(p.GetRole() == ROLE_GANGSTER && p.IsFleeing()) Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_PERSON, p.GetPosition()); } if (v.HasObjectPath(NULL)) Game::ExecuteCommand(DUMMY_PATROL, &v, &v); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, CMD_FOLLOW, &t, 1, false); if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_HASSIREN) && v.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF) && !Input::LShiftPressed() && !Input::RShiftPressed()) Game::ExecuteCommand(CMD_SIREN, &v, &v); GameObject mDummy = Game::CreateObject("mod:Prototypes/Objects/Misc/empty.e4p", NAME_DUMMYOBJECT); mDummy.Hide(); mDummy.SetUserData(v.GetID()); Vector vPos = v.GetPosition(); mDummy.SetPosition(vPos); mDummy.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_UPDATEPOS, &t, 0, false); } if (childID == 1) { if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_FOLLOW)) v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_FOLLOW); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, t.GetPosition(), true); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_FOLLOW, &t, 1, false); } }};object DummyUpdateFollowPos : CommandScript{ DummyUpdateFollowPos() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { GameObject t(Target); GameObject mDummy(Caller); int VecID = mDummy.GetUserData(); VehicleList l1(VT_THW_FGRR_BKF, VT_AMBULANCE_TRANSEVAC); for(int i = 0; i < l1.GetNumVehicles(); i++) { Vehicle v = l1.GetVehicle(i); if (v.GetID() == VecID) { if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_FOLLOW)) { mDummy.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); return; } else if (!v.IsValid() || v.IsDestroyed() || v.IsSmoking()) { mDummy.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.1f); return; } else if (!t.IsValid()) { mDummy.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.1f); return; } else { Vector vPos = v.GetPosition(); mDummy.SetPosition(vPos); mDummy.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.5f); mDummy.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_UPDATEPOS, &t, 0, false); } if (v.GetBoundingRadiusDistXYToObject(&t) < 900.f && t.GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { mDummy.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); Vehicle vt(&t); if (vt.GetVehicleType() != VT_GANGSTER_GETAWAY) { GameObject mBlock = Game::CreateObject("mod:Prototypes/Objects/Street/citypole.e4p", NAME_BLOCK); mBlock.SetUserData(t.GetID()); Vector bPos = t.GetPosition(); mBlock.SetPosition(bPos); mBlock.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 30.f); mBlock.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_UPDATEPOS, &t, 1, false); if (!mBlock.IsFlagSet(OF_HIDDEN)) mBlock.SetFlag(OF_HIDDEN); } else if (vt.GetVehicleType() == VT_GANGSTER_GETAWAY) { if (vt.HasObjectPath(NULL)) //Stop gangster vehicle vt.RemoveObjectPath(); } v.ClearActions(); Vector Move = t.GetPosition(); float r[9]; float childr[9]; t.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); float dx = -350.f, dy = 0.f, dz = 0.f; Math::RotateVector(dx, dy, dz, r); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r); Move = Move + Vector(dx, dy, 0); Game::FindFreePosition(&v, Move, 250); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Move, true); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); v.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &t); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_FOLLOW, &t, 0, false); } else if (v.GetBoundingRadiusDistXYToObject(&t) < 600.f && t.GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { mDummy.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); Person pt(Target); if (pt.GetRole() != ROLE_GANGSTER && (pt.HasObjectPath(NULL) || pt.IsFleeing())) t.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 10.f); v.ClearActions(); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.5f); v.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &t); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_FOLLOW, &t, 0, false); } return; } } mDummy.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); }};object DummyFollow : CommandScript{ DummyFollow() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Vehicle v(Caller); Person p(Caller); GameObject t(Target); if (childID == 0) { if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_HASSIREN) && v.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF)) Game::ExecuteCommand(DUMMY_DISABLE, &v, &v); PersonList l1 = v.GetPassengers(); Vector Pos = v.GetPosition(); Vector Pos2 = v.GetPosition(); float r[9]; float childr[9]; v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); bool cop1 = false; bool cop2 = false; bool armed = false; bool shoot = false; bool fight = false; if (l1.GetNumPersons() >= 1) { if (l1.GetPerson(0)->HasCommand(CMD_ARREST) || l1.GetPerson(0)->HasCommand(CMD_ARREST2)) cop1 = true; } if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle vt(Target); PersonList l2 = vt.GetPassengers(); if (l2.GetNumPersons() > 0 || vt.GetVehicleType() == VT_GANGSTER_GETAWAY) { armed = true; if (l1.GetNumPersons() > 1) { if (l1.GetPerson(1)->HasCommand(CMD_ARREST) || l1.GetPerson(1)->HasCommand(CMD_ARREST2)) cop2 = true; } } } else if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { Person pt(Target); if (pt.GetRole() == ROLE_GANGSTER) { armed = true; if (l1.GetNumPersons() > 1) { if (l1.GetPerson(1)->HasCommand(CMD_ARREST) || l1.GetPerson(1)->HasCommand(CMD_ARREST2)) cop2 = true; } if (pt.GetEquipment() == EQUIP_PISTOL) { if ((pt.GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKALL || pt.GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKSQUAD || pt.GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKSQUAD_SMART || pt.GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_GUARDHOSTAGE) && rand()%10 > 5) shoot = true; else if (rand()%4 >= 1) fight = true; } } } if (cop1 && cop2) { v.SetCommandable(false); v.PlayAnimOpenDoor(DAT_PERSON, 0.8f, &v); v.PlayAnimOpenDoor(DAT_SPECIAL, 0.8f, &v); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.f); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_FOLLOW, &t, 4, false); } else if (cop1) { v.SetCommandable(false); v.PlayAnimOpenDoor(DAT_PERSON, 0.8f, Caller); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.f); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_FOLLOW, &t, 3, false); } Person p1; Person p2; if (cop1) { p1 = l1.GetPerson(0); float dx = -12.f, dy = -65.f, dz = 0.f; v.RemovePassenger(&p1); Math::RotateVector(dx, dy, dz, r); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r); Pos = Pos + Vector(dx, dy, 0); if (p1.GetEquipment() != EQUIP_PISTOL && p1.IsEquipped()) { p1.RemoveEquipment(); p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_EQUIPMENT, &p1, 10, false); p1.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.7f); } else p1.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.8f); p1.SetPosition(Pos); p1.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]); p1.UpdatePlacement(); p1.Hide(); p1.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_APPEND, false); p1.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "idle"); p1.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &t); } if (cop2) { p2 = l1.GetPerson(1); float dx2 = -12.f, dy2 = 65.f, dz2 = 0.f; v.RemovePassenger(&p2); Math::RotateVector(dx2, dy2, dz2, r); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r); Vector Pos2 = Pos2 + Vector(dx2, dy2, 0); if (p2.GetEquipment() != EQUIP_PISTOL && p2.IsEquipped()) { p2.RemoveEquipment(); p2.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_EQUIPMENT, &p2, 10, false); p2.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.7f); } else p2.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.8f); p2.SetPosition(Pos2); p2.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]); p2.UpdatePlacement(); p2.Hide(); p2.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_APPEND, false); p2.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "idle"); p2.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &t); } if (cop1) { if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle vt(&t); if (armed) { if (!vt.IsFlagSet(OF_TRANSPORTABLE)) vt.SetFlag(OF_TRANSPORTABLE); if (!vt.IsFlagSet(OF_RECOVERABLE)) vt.SetFlag(OF_RECOVERABLE); if (!vt.IsParking()) vt.SetParking(true); vt.RemoveObjectPath(); vt.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 0.1f); if (p1.GetEquipment() != EQUIP_PISTOL && p1.HasCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN)) { p1.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, true); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST); Vector Pos = p1.GetPosition(); Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_DRAW, Pos); } p1.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "pistoltarget"); PersonList l3; if (vt.GetNumPassengers() > 0) l3 = vt.GetPassengers(); else if (vt.GetNumTransported() > 0) l3 = vt.GetTransports(); if (l3.GetNumPersons() > 0) { for(int i=0; i < l3.GetNumPersons(); i++) { l3.GetPerson(i)->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.f); l3.GetPerson(i)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_APPEND, &vt); if (l3.GetPerson(i)->GetEquipment() == EQUIP_PISTOL && (l3.GetPerson(i)->GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKALL || l3.GetPerson(i)->GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKSQUAD || l3.GetPerson(i)->GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKSQUAD_SMART || l3.GetPerson(i)->GetBehaviour() == BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_GUARDHOSTAGE) && rand()%10 > 5) { shoot = true; l3.GetPerson(i)->SetPrimaryTarget(&p1); } else { l3.GetPerson(i)->PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.f); l3.GetPerson(i)->PushActionDrop(ACTION_APPEND); l3.GetPerson(i)->PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "hostage_down"); } Person pt = l3.GetPerson(0); if (shoot) { p1.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 2.0f); p1.PushActionShoot(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); } else { p1.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 6.0f); p1.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, &pt, TARGET_FOLLOW); p1.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); //p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ARREST2, p1, 3, false); p1.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, false); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST); if (rand()%4 >= 1) fight = true; p1.PushActionArrest(ACTION_APPEND, &pt, fight); p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Arrest", &pt, 5, false); /* if (v.GetFreeTransports() >= 1 && pt.GetRole() == ROLE_GANGSTER) p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_PUTINCAR, &v, 0, false); */ } if (cop2) { if (p2.GetEquipment() != EQUIP_PISTOL && p2.HasCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN)) { p2.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, true); p2.AssignCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p2.AssignCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p2.RemoveCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p2.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p2.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST); Vector Pos = p2.GetPosition(); Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_DRAW, Pos); } if (shoot) { p2.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "pistoltarget"); p2.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 2.0f); p2.PushActionShoot(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); } else { p2.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &t); p2.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "pistoltarget"); p2.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 6.5f); p2.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "idlegun"); } return; } } } } else { p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_FOLLOW, Target, 2, false); } } else if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { Person pt(&t); if (armed) { if (p1.GetEquipment() != EQUIP_PISTOL && p1.HasCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN)) { p1.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, true); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST); Vector Pos = p1.GetPosition(); Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_DRAW, Pos); } if (shoot) p1.PushActionShoot(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); else { if (pt.IsValid() && !pt.IsCurrentAnimation("hostage_down") && !pt.IsArrested() && !pt.IsDrowning() && !pt.IsCarried() && pt.GetState() == PERSONSTATE_NORMAL) { pt.ClearActions(); if (pt.HasObjectPath(NULL)) pt.RemoveObjectPath(); pt.SetBehaviour(BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_CIVILARMED); pt.SetDisableGangsterSymbol(false); pt.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 2.0f); pt.PushActionDrop(ACTION_APPEND); pt.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "hostage_down"); pt.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 20.0f); pt.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ARREST2, Target, 1, false); p1.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); p1.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "pistoltarget"); p1.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 2.5f); p1.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, &pt, TARGET_TOUCHPERSON); //p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ARREST2, &p1, 3, false); p1.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, false); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST); p1.PushActionArrest(ACTION_APPEND, &pt, fight); p1.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.f); p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Arrest", &pt, 5, false); /* if (v.GetFreeTransports() >= 1 && pt.GetRole() == ROLE_GANGSTER) p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_PUTINCAR, &v, 0, false); */ } } } else { if (p1.GetEquipment() == EQUIP_PISTOL) { p1.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, false); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p1.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p1.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST); Vector Pos = p1.GetPosition(); Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_HOLSTER, Pos); } p1.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_ARREST, &pt, 0, false); } } } if (t.GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON && cop2 && armed) { Person pt(&t); if (p2.GetEquipment() != EQUIP_PISTOL && p2.HasCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN)) { p2.PushActionEquipWeapon(ACTION_APPEND, true); p2.AssignCommand(CMD_SHOOTGUN); p2.AssignCommand(CMD_HOLSTERGUN); p2.RemoveCommand(CMD_DRAWGUN); p2.AssignCommand(CMD_ARREST2); p2.RemoveCommand(CMD_ARREST); Vector Pos = p2.GetPosition(); Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_DRAW, Pos); } if (shoot) p2.PushActionShoot(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); else { p2.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &pt); p2.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "pistoltarget"); p2.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 5.0f); p2.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "idlegun"); } } } if (childID == 1) { int VecID = Caller->GetID(); GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_BLOCK); for(int i=0; i<list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { GameObject *obj = list.GetObject(i); if (obj->GetUserData() == VecID) { obj->PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); } } } if (childID == 2) { p.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, &t, TARGET_PASSENGERDOOR); p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &t); p.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.3f); p.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "talkto"); p.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.0f); p.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_APPEND, "idle"); p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_FOLLOW, &t, 5, false); } if (childID == 3) { v.PlayAnimCloseDoor(DAT_PERSON, 0.8f, &v); v.SetCommandable(true); } if (childID == 4) { v.PlayAnimCloseDoor(DAT_SPECIAL, 0.8f, &v); v.PlayAnimCloseDoor(DAT_PERSON, 0.8f, &v); v.SetCommandable(true); } if (childID == 5) { int VecID = Target->GetID(); GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_BLOCK); for(int i=0; i<list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { GameObject *obj = list.GetObject(i); if (obj->GetUserData() == VecID) obj->PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); } int Money = Mission::GetMoneyLeft(); int Fine; int Chance = Math::rand() % 4; if (Chance == 0) { Fine = 300; Mission::PlayHint("Driver fined for speeding. You've earned 300 credits!"); } else if (Chance == 1) { Fine = 200; Mission::PlayHint("Driver fined for expired registration stick. You've earned 200 credits!"); } else if (Chance == 2) { Fine = 200; Mission::PlayHint("Driver fined for a missing tail light. You've earned 200 credits!"); } else if (Chance == 3) { Fine = 600; Mission::PlayHint("Driver fined for failure to use a seatbelt. You've earned 600 credits!"); } int NewMoney = Money + Fine; Mission::SetMoney(NewMoney); } }};
  9. Will not be taking any requests

  10. Patiently waiting for RCMP Tahoes. Would like to see them up close before I consider making one from nothing, but it is on the table, along with the following: Wrecked versions of my trucks F150 and F350 with interior Ram 1500 and 3500 with interior
  11. Yeah..he could easily make that new squad using the Dodge Ram from my car pack.
  12. Your back!!! Wahoo Nice to see that my ambulance was good enough for your needs. Thank you for choosing itchboyâ„¢.
  13. Took a little break. Now I'm back with a little gift. Remastered model of Ubisoft's Chevrolet Impala, now with better shape and interior.
  14. Model the lightbar on the top? Since you are using my Express ambulance, I might consider doing you a favor. PM me if you are interested. Can you give better pictures?
  15. Well, the first step is you have to create unit folders for each instance of vehicle. You would have to make unit pictures and make unit.xml files for each vehicle. Afterwards, you must include them in some of the .xml files in the Specs folder. Refer to this for complete guide into adding each unit. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/1-emergency-4-adding-vehicles/ Then, you got to disable the script from activating which is a whole different task. All in all, easy for an experienced modder. Not so for anyone not used to repetitive tasks.
  16. I see my cars being used... Well done! They look absolutely brilliant.
  17. Excited to see the skins on my units!
  18. They look much better than the earlier ones. I like the stripes and shading you put into the skin. Hope to see more. Hopefully, you can start doing the police units.
  19. I mean the vehicle packs. Its the only mod I am working on.
  20. Very special announcement for today: Bama1234 has been very generous to give out his new M1078 LMTV truck to me to be included in the truck pack. Link has been updated. Official EMP link coming soon.
  21. Good idea. That would definitely reduce the CPU strain, but I still have to figure out how to link GetNumActiveFireChilds() to each burning object and then link them to the people within range of the burning object so that the people will cough and take damage. Still waiting on Hoppah or bma to give light to the situation.
  22. *POOF* *Suddenly appears* What newer cruisers? Didn't I already do the latest Ford Taurus, Explorer, Expedition and Chevrolet Caprice? And yes, I would consider making fire engines, if I only knew how to. US fire engines seem so complicated, they might be outside of my skill range.
  23. I tried this at first, but the game does not have a function to look for active particles. It only allows me to select any of the following in the for loop: TYPE_UNKNOWN, TYPE_OBJECT, TYPE_PERSON, TYPE_HOUSE, TYPE_VEHICLE, TYPE_OPEN_HOUSEI also tried this fucntion as an if condition: GetNumActiveFireChilds() But it causes a script error because the function is intended to be uses in conjunction with an integer value.
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