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About stevenpc66

  • Birthday October 6

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  1. So i still have to modify in move.script and keep using PushActionWait(), right?
  2. I added m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 10.f) befor Game::ExecuteCommand(CMD_SIREN, &v, &v), but it did not delay time in begin, it delayed when vehicle stopped for 10s =D
  3. Great idea, but it's not a good way, because here is more than 10 different sirens in my mod and when the sound is looped, it will not real =D
  4. Hello everyone, I'm trying to modify my mod about the siren, i read through the LASiren.script file, but i don't know how to delay the time before siren raise up. I means when move emergency vehicle to a point, the siren will raise up immediately, but i want the emergency vehicle will move but the siren will come after it moves for a few second. Can i get any intel from you? :D
  5. Hello everyone! I have edited LAFirestation.script for a day, basically it looks fine for now, but it still having some bugs. When i raise the alarm then the EMT and BATT_Chief running out the station to the fire engines, then i made the fire engines run on the road but they lost the siren although the Siren button is still lightning up - Next bugs is the Alarm sound, it's played as its file duration then it stopped, after a few second to a minutes, the sound keep playing again. - Another problems is the fire engines did not auto empty after get back to the Station. I checked the script a few time but still not find out which is problem that i'm having. Here is my code, hope to see your help guys. LAFireStation.script LAToFireStation.script
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