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Marco Klomp

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  1. Yes i did, because the other traffic lights are working good now and i did everything all together.
  2. Hello all, I have a question about the London mod v1.2. I recently changed the requence of traffic lights, with that i mean how long they stay on green. Only with 1 intersection i got a problem, first i changed to number 4 (at the end of the string at each traffic light) that didnt worked, later 8,16,32 but even at 32 it still had the same frequence as 4. Am i doing something wrong or is it just the editor? his is the intersection i mean: I hope someone can help me with this problem.
  3. When i load the mod it goes fine, but when i can start the game i see the 4x4 map, i already had the 4x4 mod removed but still showing up in your mod. What can i do to get your map? I already tried the MAPSWITCHER.bat
  4. I have a question, It is a great mod, i really love it, but how can u call in more firefighters? because i dont have enough lol
  5. When i try the link for the TEC units i got an error 404, is ther eany link available for this?
  6. I have another problem, after 10 minutes playing or sometimes a bit longer i call am ambulance but after 5 min they still arent deployed on the map, does anyone knows how to fix this?
  7. i tried the download link at first page but is is dead, maybe someone already said it earlier but dont have time now to look it through lol, has anyone a working download link?
  8. Oke thanks for the tip, will try right now !
  9. I have a question, when there is a fire and my fire trucks are almost empty of water i am trying to connect a hose to a near hydrant, but that doesnt works and if i disconnect a hose from a fore fighter i cant attach it anymore to a fire truck, has anyone this problem too of what can i do to solve this problem?
  10. The encripting key doesnt seems to work by me, anyone has problems with it?
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