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Everything posted by CheapGio

  1. Running it as Admin worked, I forgot to even try that. Thanks man! Also, thanks for approving this.
  2. Hello, I'm a bit new to the forums, some excuse me for not finding this earlier. I've spent forever searching, I may have skipped over it, but I've decided to ask here. So I've got the Config tool, pretty simple, I go to my root folder, to to to em4.cfg, edit freeplay params, mods, NYC Mod 1.01 (tried with all the other mods I have, including LA Mod), specs, then fp_freeplay_params. I edit which callouts I want, then I get this error message I have no idea what to do from here. I've redownloaded the config tool, tried other mods, no luck. I hope someone is able to help! Thanks in advance!
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