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Everything posted by rcmp123

  1. That does not sound good. Let's hope she stays strong and pulls through!!
  2. Nice. One month to go!! Intill release!!!
  3. Nice Red Cross van. Will there be any fire stations on the map?
  4. Will this mod be like Winterberg at all with the way you dispatch units?
  5. Looking good Bama!! Keep up the good work!
  6. Do not steal things Gunswat!! That is not cool!!
  7. I ban you for having dog in your name. (Cats are better and amazing!!!!)
  8. I just woke up from a weird dream. In mine I was a undercover cop that had to serve warrents. I would most likely make millions in the box office in my dream.
  9. So the criminal will recieve a longer time then?
  10. They found his body? That is terrible. RIP. I did not know Spain had that bad of crime.
  11. I have another question, which flag is it the one with the British flag? Or the one with the flower on it? Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  12. This looks amazing Bma. Keep up the good work! Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  13. Will there be a version 3? Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  14. rcmp123

    Chicago Mod

    That is close to me. I am from Gurnee Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  15. rcmp123

    Chicago Mod

    Lol. What town? Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  16. Yea, the stage just explodes. That would suck! Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  17. When I saw all of those people I was like "A person is running amok in the operational area" Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  18. Ok cool! Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  19. rcmp123

    Chicago Mod

    Oh, ok. I do live out in lake county, so I do see a lot of Superior ambulances. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  20. I ban you for having random in your name. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  21. rcmp123

    Chicago Mod

    Ok. Thanks for the advice newfound.
  22. Cool. This mod probably has the longest construction period. I cannot wait for this mod!
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