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Everything posted by rcmp123

  1. That is a very pretty police car. Will there be any swat vans and such like that??
  2. Oh, thank Jesus. I was looking all over for this!!
  3. Nice Eco line. Hope you guys are having good weather. My town nearly got hit by a Tornado
  4. This mod is going to be great!!
  5. Oh ok. So it is pretty much a highway patrol? Also, that pickup truck is very nice.
  6. What is cvse? I am from the United States and I have never herd of this.
  7. Loving it man. I played the beta for it and it was okay.
  8. Yes, in the London mod I noticed like a month ago, when you use the riot shield to arrest someone, the officer does not get injured at all.
  9. I saw that vid right away. It was pretty good. Tasers!! We got the Tasers!!!
  10. Sounds great man. I cannot wait intill this mod comes out.
  11. What is your YouTube name? I will sub.
  12. Awesome. This looks like a really cool mod. Will there be a new map??
  13. This a cool mod. This could be the first Scootish mod ever!!
  14. Cool. The download does not work for me. It stays on started the whole time.
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