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  1. So @Apple can design a new speaker and improve Siri which no one even uses but my iPhone still can't have a dark mode.. #letdown

  2. RT @BestOfWorldstar: This would piss me off https://Not permittedLJAUpmfJ0k

  3. @Wildboy_Wiley @realDonaldTrump ?? lol you're gonna be that dumbass huh

  4. RT @StreetwearDaiIy: Adidas back at it ? https://Not permittedxrUaySZPHR

  5. Go to your game file Find em4.cfg Open that in note pad Ctrl + F Search r_yres Change your yres to 1080 Your xres will be right to the left of that, change that too 1920 So when your done the whole thing should look like <var name="r_xres" value="1920" /> <var name="r_yres" value="1080" /> Hope this helps!
  6. Id pay for this mod... Those stations though
  7. RT @SavageJihad: Best video to ever hit the Internet https://Not permittedpKy1hed3oo

  8. @MMFlint stop making up your own stats you piece of shit

  9. RT @90syears: only 90s kids will remember https://Not permittedmJ6YSm65Ia

  10. RT @BlackPplVines: Goals https://Not permitted9Lx9p51ulm

  11. @Spowers93 https://Not permittedQTjMa77Qlw

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