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About iWonderPets

  • Birthday 12/19/1997

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  • Location
    New York, New York
  • Interests
    NYPD, FDNY, Police, Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Sirens, Lights

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  1. I just realized what you said, what attitude ._. what are you talking about? I was facepalming cause I was dumb and installed the wrong thing.. ?????????????????
  2. ._. I swear Im such a newbie. Where is that found in the settings?
  3. *facepalm* I did .. now I have a completely different problem. When I look at vehicles or the characters through a wall or building I see them as green 3D models.
  4. Much appreciated. Um I saw nothing there that could help me to be honest. Like I said, I am slow. I realized that v1.5 was a TOTALLY DIFFERENT thing so I downloaded the v1.5.1 patch and put it in v1.4 .. >_> That is why it didn't work. But now the emergency vehicles are like .. green see through models when I look at them from the other side of a wall or building/solid surface.
  5. Ok. Im going to apologize in advance, I am sorry that I am slow with this kind of stuff but uh, what editor? e_e
  6. I did that 3 times lol it says Prototype Model or something with like a 3D house
  7. That was nice. Anyway, I have an issue that I need help with. I installed the update patch and the firehouses are missing their models
  8. Im a little slow when it comes to things like this, sorry. I got the one Corsair posted the link to thank you guys lol
  9. I tried using the mod installer and it won't work with that either, PROBABLY because I put open with Winrar but I shall see if I can change that to the mod installer and hopefully(Praying)that it works then. Also, Pagani ... what new one?
  10. I download the mod but can't extract it. It says that the file type is .e4mod .. is it supposed to be like that? Can anybody who has had this problem help me please? Thanks.
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