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  1. Hello everyone. I've looked all over and couldn't find what im looking for. I want to redo or add some return to station scripts. I have the trucks in game but I want to make them return to station in different parts of the map. How do I do it? I am willing to learn. Thanks!
  2. In LA I cant edit the textures. The reason is because it wont let me switch a .DDS with a .V3O to run it in editor. Any suggestions??
  3. This is just an fun topic but I have a low spec computer and I don't know if I should invest in EM5 if its not going to work Any suggestions Any low spec gamers that run the game in here??
  4. were using hamachi but i re downloaded it but if it dosent work ill let you know Ok, I re downloaded hamichi and still crashes me out every 10 min Posts merged. Please avoid double posting, use the edit button in future.
  5. Mikey, Can you help me with this...... http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19946-crashing-out-of-multiplayer-after-5-min/
  6. Hello Y'all When i'm in multiplayer with friends my game crashes after 5 Min... Any solutions?? Thanks
  7. well thanks for your help! It kinda sucks but ill plow through it. Thanks for the help MikeyPI! P.S: I love your mods XD
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