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  1. I've noticed that too; also when you get to the hospital, if you've got more than three stretcher crews, the extras get left at the hospital. Was also an issue with the Boston mod.
  2. Been away from the computer for a few days... I did manage to fix it the way that Mikey PI had suggested. I needed to download a file converter in order for it to work though. Thanks!
  3. I tried that with the PNG files in the Models folder. Didn't work; should it be in a different folder?
  4. I seem to be having the same problem... It's been happening more frequently with newer mods (like West Coast for example) Some units (like the Tahoe) are fine; but others (like Crown Vics) are affected...
  5. Looks amazing! Great work! Looking forward to it.
  6. Great work so far! . I'm curious if it's possible to add some sort of riot police to handle the demonstrations. MikeyPI had some great ones: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/457-new-york-city-modification/ They have shields, but can still arrest people; were also able to form a line, etc. Might be a nice touch.
  7. In Ontario you can have 1 Green light, no more. And no Sirens either. Saskatchewan now allows Red Lights and Sirens, but they need special training from the Province.
  8. Very nice, it's great to see mods from my hometown, but the Taurus has a different decal than the crown vics... http://www.ottawacitizen.com/cars/Photos+Video+Ottawa+Police+unveil+look+patrol+vehicles/7108439/story.html
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