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willowfork fire capt

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Posts posted by willowfork fire capt

  1. Theoretically, another way would be to create a flashlight object (with a light already in it), place it on the hand of the person via script, and then set the script to "scan" for the flashlight object and enable the light that is in it.


    Problem is, there is no way to "aim" the flashlight in Em4, so you'll only have a single corona marking where your unit is and not actually something useful for lighting a scene for example.


     Would it be like adding an additional tool?

  2. Umm...I could have sworn there was a brush in the terrain editor to paint a set elevation. ie. You would start painting on a flat part then paint over the elevated region and it would become the same elevation as the flat part.

    Ok, I will try this thank you

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