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Alessandro Ravanelli

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello, I am an italian firefightert! Sorry for the english! I hope these things: Starting with a small barracks and enlarge over time. Possibility to buy trucks of the same type but different (better pumps, cafés, better engine, higher ladder). Most interventions: saf, nbcr, urgent opening door (not urgent), release elevator and so on. Camion con acqua limitata, nozzles Truck with limited water, different nozzless and courses hoses of different diametersMost interventions: saf, nbcr, urgent opening door (or not urgent), release elevator and so on.Internal attack, vertical and horizontal ventilation with PPV and NPV and roof ventilation. more vehicles (eg platforms bronto skylift) More equipment eg tools to secure a car. training for firefighters. firefighters with different characteristics wrong Emergency calls by civil Map obscured until the arrival on site of means. Map obscured until the arrival of firefighters on the spot what do you think?
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