Eventally yes... that road section was just me testing my ability and to see what people think its more important that we have units, otherwise there no point in a map
I think i will stick with the london mod as i have some good ideas for future features i have the name writen down for credit but not to hand currently
Two reasons: 1. They were my first two models ever so they looked naff 2. I made them before we got a reaseacher and turns out they are not used in london
We are not sure about enginer van yet we will have a talk about it at one point we were thinking about network rail So to answer your question: no, i dont think we will use highways
Thanks for your help mate! But we already have a researcher that I have total faith in. Most of the small changes that you have mentioned will be changed eventually And the cars are silver... look at the pics in post one...
Update Vehicle added AA Tow Truck Not done the back properly yet will be sorted eventually though The ambulance is currently being added to game so will show some screens when that is done Sorry for the lack of updates for awhile
Im not sure about dog units, we havent spoken about it yet but i think it will come in a police dog unit car as for the Turntable we will be adding in future but i dont think in first release Thanks for showing your interest!