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Everything posted by TheAxeMan33

  1. Probably not, Hoppah is obviously quite busy with life and other responsibilities, but honestly the mod is still quite fun, no matter how long ago it was updated.
  2. Personally I think if he does do that, probably once he has everything else finished up, since it's probably the lowest on his to-do list and priority as its just aesthetic
  3. I think it's more a way to let the Moderators/Administrators give gratitude or agree on a specific post, but not allowing members so that it doesn't get abused.
  4. For mods that are in a .rar file, you did it correct for installing it, you ONLY use the modinstaller included in the EM4 Directory if the mod is a .em4mod filetype, as that's the reason it was made. I would recommend to make sure your current drivers, here is for your GPU if you have AMD/ATI processing unit, http://support.amd.com/en-us/download. You have a octa-core processor, not a quad-core but here's a link for your intel CPU to be updated, incase you haven't, http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect. Beyond others, I'l leave the files to be read by someone who can understand them more than me, as I can only read driver information .
  5. That's probably just because you used it wrong, 4shared works perfectly fine for me, you just need to k now how to use the website, spreading lies about a website that's perfectly fine isn't very nice.
  6. Go in your EM4 Main Menu, then at the bottom-left there will be a tab that says "Modifications", once you click that, it will show you all the properly installed modifications. Just find US Army Modification on that tab, click on it, and then click "Load/Okay", it will take about usually around a minute or less to load it, let it do it's thing and it'll go back to the main menu. Then just click your Campaign Missions and use the "Play US Army Mod" option.
  7. There is, if you have the original Emergency 4 game, but 911:FR is incompatible with the desktop shortcut to load ERS Berlin Modification, from what the installer states, but I find it's just best to go through the modifications menu.
  8. You probably did it yourself, this modification works flawlessly and the instructions for installation are fail-proof if you do as it says.
  9. There isn't really any way to make it easier, it's just learning how to handle the events at once basically.
  10. I don't think you can, especially through your FP specs file. ERS Berlin uses a campaign mission that they heavily edited, so editing your freeplay files will not do anything, as you're technically not in freeplay mode.
  11. If the only thing stopping you is lack of a CD ROM drive, you can find a nice CD to USB converter/adaptor on ebay for around $12 http://www.ebay.com/sch/Drives-Storage-Blank-Media-/165/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=usb+cd+drive&_sop=15
  12. It might just be a game issue, I have a very similar laptop with almost the exact same specs, it should work fine so I'm lead to believe it's just a consumer-side error
  13. Theres some ARV units (armed response vehicle) parked seperately from the RPU units, usually ARV has a star ontop if I'm correct
  14. The only reason I can think of to get a extract error is because you downloaded the .rar as a temproary file then closed your browser rendering it unextractable, is that what you did?
  15. from the looks of the picture, you have all the bunker gear inside the stationhouse selected, which I believe would taint the screenshot provided, can you provide a new one?
  16. They regularly beta-tested this in Multiplayer, I really doubt that a bug as bad as you're claiming sped through their testing, could be a issue on your ends.
  17. There is a downloadable exe file called Emergency 4 configurator in the EMP Downloads section, it will make editing your parameter file easy, just make your EM4 folder set to all security permissions.
  18. Just follow as stated in the quote.. I don't know how better to explain it than what Mikey explained it as No.. He is having trouble with all mods from what I believe, so the graphics issue is still a very unlikely possibility.
  19. 911:FR and EM4 are essentially the same game just slightly different for American users.
  20. Just make a fake Twitter or something, it doesn't have to be a actual account you use, aslong as its a actual Twitter account, it's not stealing the password just asking you to share it.
  21. They work perfectly, you just need to use the free download option for the mod, for 4shared
  22. Open the Modinstaller that is in your main EM4 directory, then install the mod using that application
  23. Look on the LA Mod Alteration Help, thought I saw a few topics on this
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