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Everything posted by TheAxeMan33

  1. I think that you are looking at the folder that comes with it, demonstrating some features it contains in the modification. Does it come with a .e4mod file?
  2. If you're trying to save when on Challenge mode (mode that you choose on the right side of the screen when starting a new freeplay) then you can't, Challenge isn't saveable, only normal freeplay is able to be saved.
  3. Getting the same issue, had the similar issue when downloading Copenhagen Airport back within' the first like week of its release
  4. You need to add more information for anyone to help you. We're not all decrypters. Are you crashing when you initially click "Load Modification" or when you go to the Campaign Area and start the mod? If you are using free-play, do not.
  5. 911:FR was updated on Steam so that you don't need to do registry fixes anymore I believe
  6. If you mean for making sirens, http://www.audacityteam.org/
  7. I'm going to assume that you mean the modinstaller is saying that EM4 cannot be found or something similar (fixed this issue AGES ago for me, so I can't remember the exact wording) but if that is the case, go ahead and follow these steps located below.
  8. It may be because you don't have a account for Squad55
  9. Post a topic HERE http://www.emergency-planet.com/forum/42-technical-related-support/ also use the following format http://www.emergency-planet.com/announcement/4-read-before-requesting-assistance/.
  10. Could try setting the other calls down a-tad than normal so it had a bigger chance.
  11. Yes, if you make it higher, you'll increase the chance of said event spawning within' a span of 10 minutes.
  12. Nope, it showed when I was making the reply but now that it's posted it's blank
  13. I'd suggest that you refer to my repost in the following topic, You need to modify your freeplay_params_endless.xml file to enable/disable whatever calls you wish, I have a some-what tutorial on that thread if you do not know how to do it properly. This will allow saving of the game.
  14. fp_params_endless and fp_params_challenge are the only scripts that matter, event-wise
  15. FP_PARAMS_ENDLESS and FP_PARAMS_CHALLENGE are the main spec scripts responsible for callouts. <MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "230.0" /> ^ This changes the time (in-seconds) between each event, it will not spawn a event WITHIN this set time. -- This is what you'd want to heighten if you want events to last longer. <MaxIdleDuration value = "250.0" /> ^ If there has not been a event within' the amount inputted, it will spawn a event. MaxIdleDuration is always and should always be higher than MinDurationBetweenEvents. <Enabled value = "1" /> If the 1 is replaced with a 0 it means that the call is disabled for whichever script you're editing. Just like the other way around, if it's a 0 and you change it to a 1, the call is enabled. <!-- AverageFrequency: average number of events per 10 minutes --> <AverageFrequency value = "1.0" /> <Worth value = "4.0" /> <SupervisorStart value = "ID_SUPERV_EVENT17" /> <SupervisorFinish value = "" /> </EFPEventFall> If you do want longer fires, you could modify your Materials.xml inside /Specs/ but I am not quite acquainted with that script, so I wouldn't really give any tips on modifying it. Someone else who has dealt with that might be able to assist you in that side.
  16. If you mean that you want to remove the LAWye.script and want to also remove the ability to deploy wyes, you need to open-up editor and edit the FF_EMTs Commands ability.
  17. BMA made a siren script like this which changes siren sound by shift, ctrl, or normal click of the siren button.
  18. I'm sure Mikey's also interested in the status of the message, if you click on a message sent on Emergency-Planet, it'll show you if it was read or replied on the top-left side next to the message content. What status is it on? (Unread or Read in your case as there was no reply)
  19. I checked it before I replied, it works for me.
  20. Use the 4shared link, it's a backup for a reason. Use the 4shared link, it's a backup for a reason.
  21. in all honesty I don't even think it's a download issue, he stated he went to play via Freeplay, which this mod works SOLELY off Campaign scripts (i.e. you need to go to Campaign to start the game).
  22. http://copenhagen-mod.dk/download-2/ Not sure why he's experiencing problems unless it's a problem he's creating. I've downloaded it again to double-check and it runs perfect for me. 3k+ more downloads from when the download section was fixed, so obviously it's working for people.
  23. You don't really need to open the modinstaller to be honest, you could simply just click the .e4mod file and it'll ask you what you want to open it with, you can simply assign .e4mod files to be opened with the ModInstaller and then you can get it all done in one click, as opposed to extracting it, opening ModInstaller, browsing forever to find the .e4mod file, then installing it.
  24. I recommend uploading it HERE instead of in a post, it'll be harder for people to find it, unless they decide to move it to the US Army Modification section.
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