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Tyler Aungst

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Everything posted by Tyler Aungst

  1. Ok so I just deleted my Steam and re-installed it to my C drive, I downloaded 911 First responder and the Mod installer still gives me the error not installed correct. I have seen the video and the link on the forums to fix the problem and it still does not work. The fix where you edit the things in start menu. ( ) . Any other ideas or real good guided help on how to get it to work. I can put the LA mod and Harbor city mod in the mod folder and they work. But the NYC mod is what I'm trying to get to work to play and it needs the installer. Plus the Brooklyn mod which you need the NYC mod to my understanding to play that one also. I've done all the help sites and post from Multiple sites and YouTube video from our site here. Still will not work Any idea guys? Thanks..
  2. Me and my buddy are trying to play EM4 online together he had US and i had english version. So when he try to connect to my server it said not same game file. so i gave him my EN copy of EM4 because he had the first responders version. It still say after he installed the EM4 copy I gave him that we have different files and we have no mods and we both did fresh install of the same version of the game any help Please!!
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