Good day to you, fellow member of emergency-planet. Staraight to the buisness. We as a group of 2 men are making a clan by the name of "HSAP" for Emergency 4. "HSAP" stnands for "Heal, Secure and Protect". We are always happy to see new recruits We played enough hours in order to know good tactics, explored bugs of the game and played alot of modifactions. + We want to be a very friendly place. The page is still in early devolopment and there is still a lot of work to do, but if you want to. Here is an adress: (Hope the link is now fixed, my bad.) On the page you can apply to be a recruit. Information on how to play and how we play you can find on our page. Thank you for spending your time and reading this topic. P.S reposting it here, cuz first time missed the right forum.