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Everything posted by Multibullets

  1. Sounds good! I'm praying you'll use the three-tone siren for the ambulance instead of the boring new one.
  2. Sounds like a good idea. Will you replace the soundfiles so there will be dutch sirens too?
  3. Sad to hear this project was stopped. Personally I think this project had lots of potential to grow into something great.
  4. As a European I can't get my head around how the US has all the different laws and regulations in the different states. It just seems confusing to me. In the Netherlands, all PD, FD and EMS vehicles have an AED on board and all our ambulances are manned by a driver and a nurse (Paramedic) who can perform most medical procedures. Which just seems to make it all a lot easier.
  5. Do EMT's (Not Paramedics) get to insert an IV line?
  6. Apparently the recent commotion around police not treating black people right was his motive to target officers. Nice way to generalize every single cop as a bad person while they were probably just good, decent and dedicated officers. Rest in Peace and my thoughts go out to the families of the cops.
  7. Colon.. interesting map! Will we fight infections? Will we fight bacteria? Let's wait and see! Jokes aside, obviously they mean Cologne Looks very unprofessional now though
  8. Can you give any update on the development process?
  9. Love it! Whilst this may seem unprofessional, I think it's good that events like this reminds people in those kind of neighborhoods (no racism) that cops are also just human beings doing their job!
  10. Don't mean to be a negative dickhead, but really don't like that cover
  11. Do you mean the mod files you download?
  12. That's weird, it works just fine for me Last thing you could try is this link: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/522-rts-bieberfelde-english-translation-v18/ if that fails, maybe PM me your email address and I can attach it?
  13. Mmmm.. that's weird. I thought I edited it to the proper link. I meant to post this one: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/go/b4ca0530d4c7cc82009e8b9d261cd386/rts-bieberfelde-english-translation-v18
  14. This one? http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/522-rts-bieberfelde-english-translation-v18/ Works fine for me.
  15. I ban you because your "interests" makes my eyes tired.
  16. It's very old though and doesn't get updated anymore, sadly
  17. Great mod! Would love to see some more events, but the current ones are quite original and refreshing
  18. So glad this is still active! I had already given up the idea of this coming on the market
  19. My bad. My memory failed me. I had a quick look in the video and google and found out the current Lead-Game Designer and Co-Founder of Fragment Production was the Creative Director of Cities in Motion and Co-Founder of Colossal Order. So to some degree you could say the whole studio will benefit from his experience(s) and some Cities in Motion influences will be present. Here's a link to the man's LinkedIn http://fi.linkedin.c...-tyni/2/53b/123
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