From the book I'm reading: "The book of heroic failures" The least successful weather report. "We regret we are unable to give you the weather. We rely on weather reports from the airport, which is closed because of the weather. Whether we are able to give you the weather tomorrow depends on the weather." The least successful attempt to light a coal fire. In 1972 Derek Langborne built a fire and lit it. He then went outside to fill his coal scuttle. When he returned, he observed that, in its enthusiasm to heat the room, one log had rolled out of the grate and set fire to the log box. He picked it up and carried it outside. On his way he brushed against a curtain covering the front door. By the time he returned the curtain and door were both in flames. While telephoning g the fire brigade he noticed the log box, which he had moved, had now set fire to his car. He then put on an overcoat and approached the car with a bucket of water. In the process he tripped over a party-filled petrol can. When the fire brigade arrived he was on fire with flamers leaping freely from his overcoat.