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Everything posted by Forensics

  1. It's good, I like it. But some units don't have sirens and 1 has no lights.
  2. I don't really know what's wrong with it. And as I can't pin it down, I'll just say it's perfect. Great job on the Dennis!
  3. I'm not really sure, maybe the bits that flash are just a bit too big. Shame you lost some posts again.
  4. Love it! But the main lightbar doesn't quite look right...
  5. So what it the special and funny thing about it? Look at the date. EDIT: I just found an extended quote: Shows undoubtedly it was an April fool. You're up!
  6. I see the screenshots and I love them.
  7. I honestly didn't, I just googled queensland fire and rescue as you could see it on the side of the truck. Right I'm going to add a twist. So first where is it from, then I want the story behind it so basically obviously why it's green.
  8. Queensland Fire & Rescue. Technical Rescue Response Unit.
  9. Nope. But I think you might know the answer you just have two typos. (Or you are just totally wrong ) 1. Is the place. 2. Is 'fire and ambulance service' never heard of one of those in the UK. Plus I want what it's used for.
  10. I knew it straight away, I know everything. LOL, I just googled the pictures name. But before did that I knew it was West Midlands as I recognized the ambulances. So, what is it and who does it belong to?
  11. I guess we are talking about the silver car in the foreground, right?
  12. How strange I must of misread your post, I thought it said York. So yes that's the same place where I got mine from so your up!
  13. Please post the link you got the info from. I have different but if it looks similar you can go.
  14. The higher the number the more frequent.
  15. What service? What country? What county? What city? Where is it based?
  16. [North?] Yorkshire ambulance service, England.
  17. The fires are to do with how many posts you have, the more flames the more posts.
  18. It don't really loose there function, no police car can be totally uncover. All you need is one look and you notice small LED lights (often hidden in the grill), cameras and two men with police vests on. Yeah I noticed that but I can't see any major reason to withhold them.....
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