Sounds amazing! Also if you are wondering what the response policy is to different incidents, you should check out my local fire and rescue service's incident page and it tells you the recent incidents and what the sent. (The Incident Commander which responds to almost every fire is this small van) Like a jeep or a van? If so they are usually called an Incident Command vehicles and carry an Incident Commander and equipment. I believe the Incident Commander is the one with a read helmet. Source and I understand that is for Shropshire but they are likely to have a similar, if not the same, system. An Incident Support Unit as a pod? Never heard of that before. Wouldn't a a lorry or a bus be more common? Yeah they are usually a unmarked car with a single blue lightbar on the roof. This might help with helmet colours. This might be useful and again I understand it's Shropshire but I suspect those plans will be nationwide.