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Everything posted by Forensics

  1. The ambulance service don't just use sirens and lights depending on how how serious the injury is, they do on the traffic. For example in the middle of the night, when there is no traffic and they are responding to a heart attack they won't use sirens.
  2. Amazing work!!! I guess they will be a much more advanced way of medical treatment?
  3. You purchased the game already with the patch(es)? How did you try the game without the patch(es) if you don't know how to uninstall them?
  4. Hope you're OK and get welll soon.
  5. What happened? I'm proud to say I have never been in a hospital. (apart from when I was born)
  6. I love hot fuzz! Even if it slightly unrealistic. On the topic of health, I have never broken a single bone in my body. Nor seriously hurt myself. I still have scars from childhood accidents but they were never anything serious.
  7. To find it all you have to do is google image 'Politsei'. And you get this: http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?143265-Your-City-s-Police-Cars/page2 Estonia is right.
  8. Not a vehicles but oh well, it beats a submarine:
  9. Usually fire engines only have a small tank and are designed to be hooked up to a hydrant so the engine only pumps the water. That would be cool in the mod, if you could get it working. Yeah that might be it. I will have a search for it, I think it was something to do with the games limits or I could be imagining things.
  10. Sounds great! I'm sure I remember someone saying that you shouldn't have more than 4 hose connections to a truck but I can't remember the reason.
  11. They all look my stunning! :gut:
  12. OK, sure. I suspect the Incident Support pod is similar to the welfare module, acting as a portable canteen. If you do put one in, it could heal firefighters if they were slightly hurt.
  13. Yes that's what I first thought, after a bit of googling I did find one command pod but it was very old. Kookas, where did you get the info that Birmingham have a command pod or are you getting them confused with the welfare module?
  14. OK, yes it's surprising how different they are.
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/8589532.stm You would think they would some surveillance before charging in, then to say sorry they gave them beer.
  16. Sounds amazing! Also if you are wondering what the response policy is to different incidents, you should check out my local fire and rescue service's incident page and it tells you the recent incidents and what the sent. (The Incident Commander which responds to almost every fire is this small van) Like a jeep or a van? If so they are usually called an Incident Command vehicles and carry an Incident Commander and equipment. I believe the Incident Commander is the one with a read helmet. Source and I understand that is for Shropshire but they are likely to have a similar, if not the same, system. An Incident Support Unit as a pod? Never heard of that before. Wouldn't a a lorry or a bus be more common? Yeah they are usually a unmarked car with a single blue lightbar on the roof. This might help with helmet colours. This might be useful and again I understand it's Shropshire but I suspect those plans will be nationwide.
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