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Everything posted by Forensics

  1. Oh OK. They might have a unmarked car like the one in the England mod.
  2. I didn't know they had a fire chief car. May I see a picture?
  3. I think his last topic about this got deleted.
  4. If you're stuck on the forklift, why don't you leave it out and work on other things, then come back it?
  5. This is sort of spam. But they are good!
  6. Wasn't there a topic with the exact same title as this? EDIT: Found it.
  7. Buy EM4 deluxe, and you will get a zombie event on halloween.
  8. The majority are saying LV. So will you be making a mod on LV?
  9. I just played with 0.1, after about 2 minutes everywhere is gridlocked.
  10. The sirens haven't changes in v2.0..... Additional units submod has new sirens.
  11. Yeah, now I see. Anyway we've gone a bit off-topic.
  12. There is one. It might be dead though.
  13. I guess it isn't then. If I needed to buy it I would pay the full price.
  14. I'm probably wrong, but it doesn't seem right telling everyone. It seems like we're cheating. Maybe I'm just a very well-mannered person.
  15. I don't know, it just seems wrong to be able to get that much money off the price...
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