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Everything posted by Forensics

  1. OK, good to hear you're well.

    Shame you lost your mapper.

    If you need any help testing the mod I can help. :D

  2. After playing I have found you can send units via the minimap....
  3. Forensics

    Any Idea?

    You need to edit the security permissions on that file. I have to right click on the file, properties, security, my user account, then tick the boxes and press apply. Then it should let you save it.
  4. My opinion: It's his own fault for taking part in such a stupid and dangerous sport. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he deserved it or anything but what do you expect in a sport like that.
  5. I don't you can send units via the minimap..... Only on the main screen.
  6. Forensics

    Any Idea?

    No problem, you only needed to look in the forum help section.
  7. Forensics

    Any Idea?

    You can get LA mod v2.0 here.
  8. Great job! I'm looking forward to playing this mod!
  9. You can hold shift down when you're moving, that makes it move twice as fast.
  10. Forensics


    I don't really like tea. In-fact I don't really like any drinks. I only ever drink with meals and then it's only water.
  11. Are you OK?

    Haven't heard from you in a while.

  12. Good to hear you're still around. It still says you are a moderator...
  13. Love the car! Especially the lights!
  14. Very good! BTW: I just got this reply: If it does turn out I have to pay something to get the info, I won't bother.
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