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Everything posted by hunter42

  1. Not if the Bill has something to say about it sunshine.
  2. Not to my knowledge. Maybe in the 70s/80s when there was a lot of riots, but none that I can find. Possibly the worst would be the PARS fans shouting at Raith Rover fans at the train station, then proceeding to sing obscure songs and taking their shoes off...
  3. Am I? edit: no u! my post count is still 735 - u suc
  4. Somehow doubt it. Apart from the original post, most/all posts have made sense and been relative the topic.
  5. Bigger ego Don't think it serves a real purpose. Just shows how much you post. And if I am right in thinking, posts in the Off topic section do not count toward your postcount.
  6. Most people got it in the Hot Chick Topic... Then there's Gerard, who finally gets it after a picture of Hops. I always read your name as "Gerard Till", but now I'm quoting you I can see it's "Gerard T. III" Learn something new everyday. Pfft, and you call me gay? That is amazing Mike did amazing work on that.
  7. ...and I'll look down, and whisper, "No".
  8. Only 7C/45F here Can't wait for them to win, last time they had a sale because Freeman won But I havn't voted because I'm a complete lazy arse
  9. That is sad but I thought it said you were playing with the cat and threw something at him, which killed him. Totally ruined the sadness...
  10. But... The Tomahawk is classed as a cruise missile, and a cruise missile is "essentially a flying bomb." so essentialy this "X to air" Tomahawk of yours is the same as dropping a bomb on the flying plane...
  11. Germans walk funny and they have funny accents Me and my friend take German school work and read it during the French period. The long words make us laugh (we're immature ) (there's a German exchange student at our school so I'm basing everything I say off of her) The Welsh say "Araf" for slow... You sound like a dog when you say it - the language is just making fun of you.
  12. I feel like an even bigger idiot. Mike PM'd me and one thing he said was that a mistake many won't notice was thrthing about firing a Tomahawk. I just thought "Yea, it was two they fired" lol woops
  13. well what war could it be then? You said the first gulf war, but that doesn't make sense since Iran was never in that war, so the only people who have F-14s was the US... Find an Internet source then, cause I have no idea what incident you're referring to then. Entering " gulfstream IV shot down" doesn't even produce a result. Everything I read about the Airbus A300 incident is related to everything you've said...
  14. Few errors I want to point out: It's the Iraq-Iran war, not the first Gulf war. Iran was neutral in the first Gulf war, which is why I was confused as to how an F-14 could have been a threat (but obviously it could have been because it's a different war) The Airbus A300 took off at 10:17 and was shot down at 10:24 - Seven minutes into flight. 200 calls in the space of 7 minutes is impossible. The USS Vincennes fired two Tomahawk missiles, not one. The Airbus was 20Km away from the warship when shot down, which is about 12 miles. So they didn't wait until it was 1 mile away. The radar operater, petty officer Andrew Anderson, was the first to pick up Flight 655 on radar and thought that it might be a commercial aircraft. He may have been overstressed, but he still figured it out. And the reason why the crew were rather stressed was because the captain had been become rather aggressive. Commanding officer David Carlson of USS Sides noted out some aggresive action, such as breaking rules of engagement. I won't particulary pursue this discussion because I'm not very knowledgable on the Middle East and I don't feel like researching everything.
  15. I have to agree with you guys, and I have nothing against this, since it's commonplace in war. What I don't like is that the military didn't owe up to it and denied they knew how the journalists were killed. It reminds me a bit when the CIA were following a civil plane and couldn't contact it. They thought it was a drug smuggling plane and it was eventually shot down, with only the pilot surviving. A fatal mistake, yes. But it was kept secret for ages. What? That makes little sense. The Iraq air force was primarly equipped with soviet era aircraft, like TU-22s and MIGs. If it appeared as an f-14, then the US navy would have basically shot down an ally aircraft. And if they contacted the plane over 200 times, then that must mean the plane was either extremly slow moving, in which case it should've been obvious that there was something very wrong with the "f-14". Or it wasn't even heading towards the frigate. (I'm guessing over 200 was an exxageration? ) Would've made more sense to try and spot the aircraft or scramble any available aircraft to spot the unkown plane. In the end though, it could still be justified in some ways. edit: Exactly what I was looking for. I was about to make a point with the help of this, and completly forgot it I'll remember later
  16. The most recent attack happened today at a police station, killing two officers Is this all a continuing issue between Russia and Cechnya?
  17. It's an interesting site. Currently watching "Collateral Murder" but the buffering is slow and only just passed the point where a Bradley runs over a body. Crazyhorse: "Come on, buddy. All you gotta do is pick up a weapon." Ground unit reports: "I've got uh eleven Iraqi KIAs. One small child wounded. Over." Crazy Horse: "Roger. Ah damn. Oh well."
  18. Apparently they have huge censorship laws over there and games have to have a lot less violence in them (Zombies don't gib in L4D2) Actually I think he was referring to all the people that were going "I'm not from Australia, but I'll post anyway" OR the discussion as to what is the smallest country in the world. Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
  19. K. Yes. Why wouldn't they have an ambulance service? edit: Had to research a little bit to understand what OP was on about. But here's something: http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/5qyhq2?opendocument So originally ambulances was not a set service, but they;re trying to do this now with the aid of the Norwegian red cross. Good on them.
  20. I lol'd There's a great one on youtube of someone who has looped a video of a snake eating a baby chicken and people freak out. This one I believe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LljAAzcZjgg
  21. Bumpage. Complaint: Went to help my dad finish assembling a greenhouse at 2PM. Greenhouse cost £900, so it should be good quality, right? wrong. All wehad to do was fit in 4 or 5 window panes, install the door, put up two shelves and install the water butt for the rain water. This took us... 6 hours. SIX F****NG HOURS! - And the water butt hasn't been installed. Why? Because the people who designed this are mentally incapacitated. Here's a few example of the many problems. - The drain pipe is held by one of those tight, circular plastic things. The instructions say to place it round the pipe and a metal pole that's part of the greenhouse. Expect there is no way to attach the pipe to the green house unless we drill a hole -The panes of glass are held in using these stupid metal clips that slot in between the metal frame and window. The issue is that they either won't go in, or they pop out 5 minutes later (got them in in the end, but it took ages) -Following the instructions, it tells you to put the panes in. mmmmkay. Next page... Install the shelves. At the bottom of that page: "N.B It is recommended to install the shelves before the windows because it becomes very difficult." Gee, thanks. -The instructions were useless. It appeared to be that there was one set of instructions to accomidate several different greenhouses. So there was alot of information in it that was innaccurate for our greenhouse. Overall, you get the impression that the person who wrote the instructions never received any information on the greenhouse and the designers were brainless. And it cost £900 And I miss Team Fortress Classic Bet there's no serevers anymore.
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