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Everything posted by hunter42

  1. The new patch means script hooks (I think) aren't working yet, so LCDFR won't work Or is it just me?
  2. LOL Actually that sucks Better start learning to play with braces fast or you'll be dropped to bandwich duty your wife? (upload your wedding photos already! Lol) ugh, can't sleep. Any alternative to counting sheep?
  3. Oops, error And why do you think that you have to have a purpose to be on this forum? I've been here for nearly four years and I've never been useful to anyone. And what are these previous issues that you speak of? (I'm nosy).
  4. What region is she from? (Hope it's not Glasgow or you might have some communication problems lol ) Complaint: Frank Sinatra was shot dead by the Nazis as he ran to jump onto the back of an escaping POW train Made the movie a rather sad, hollow victory. (Von Ryan express I think it's called)
  5. You Cannae Shove Your Grannie Off The Bus Wish I was in primary school again (We sometimes replaced "ugly cousin" with "English cousin" lol)
  6. All release dates are to be assumed for 21 Dec. 2012. I don't get why release dates are important for people. It just makes the days slower (think about christmas eve when you were a kid). Complaint: Bed and sheets are quite bloody. Need to clean them. On the upside, I think I fixed one of my ingrown toenails Would've been easier with proper equipment, but where's the challenge in that? edit: I completely quoted the wrong bit from Vfox, lol 2nd edit: Fixed "21012" to become "2012"
  7. Just got GTA:IV. Gonna download the LCPD First Response mod, but are there any other mods that are worthwhile getting? Think of getting the LAPD cruisers but I'm still looking. So, suggestions?
  8. news Yum Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld5AH72eNRo Why watch comedy sketches when the news is just as good?
  9. That's what I thought too, but he still prefers XP. He only uses it for his work and watching tv, so it isn't a big deal to him. Old computer is busy formatting now. Yay
  10. Haha, same My dad's getting my old pc because he prefers XP over 7, but I fear he is going to find a lot of issues with it unless he hurries up and reformats it...
  11. What if I didn't read this and had it read out to my by the computer? Siggy doesn't say that, just that you're married iirc, you were going to show us your wedding photos
  12. CoH has the best opening of any WWII game that I can remember. Second mission was great too. Don't have opposing forces, but I want it mainly for the trench building. Tales of Valor was a bit rubbish, but direct control was quite decent.
  13. I'm swapping my computer with my dad's computer very soon, so I should be able to play GTA:IV on it. Hope so anyway. (canyourunit.com says it passes recommended, but their analysis isnt always right). Is the steam version moddable?? Or is it like GTA:SA again?
  14. It's on the PSN now?? Got to check this out, hope it's not expensive. edit: Complaint: Isn't on the Europe/UK PSN yet. Typical Few days though
  15. Classmate [on the subject of disruptive kids]: "Have you got a whip to keep them under control? Teacher: "Oh yes, and the leathers to go with it" *laughs* Our history teacher folks, She's close to retiring too, so that should give you an idea of her age Also, once she was going to show us a video, but it was at the wrong place. She stopped the VCR to rewind it and on the channel was a show testing mens underwear. So here were several men in nothing but boxers jumping up and down on trampolines to test them (you can figure out what they were testing for). Anyway, the teacher was shocked by such thing on the tv and tried to cover it with her hands. It looked so wrong, especially when the camera did a close up of the boxers. Good times... Don't be stupid, that isn't his job, it's Gordon Brown's job (it's early in, so don't skip ) Oh god... our government...
  16. Wow, that's amazing! I wish we had that many here, send some this way Falkirk canal trip, part deux. Travelled to gate 8 by car and found a place to park. We then had to leave the cycle track and go on the main road because there was a train track. Waited a while for a train, then two came at one time Didn't bother uploading the image of the train going away from me, this one was better. Continued following the gates, and at about gate 12 was duckilings They were so cute, I wanted to take one home. Was about a dozen ducklings and their mother. Conitnued cycling along. Enjoyed the weather and the tranquility. Finally reached the Falkirk wheel. If you look in the dock on the right, you can see two boats. There was a large blue tourist canal boat originally but a hired boat was told to park along side them. One of the operaters told the family "Aye it's a small gap but you can fit in it all right". So the boat went full steam ahead and crashed into the tourist boat Was excellent.
  17. Did you go with a nice peach colour ready for summer time? Or just black? Complaint: Quite tired, but everytime I go to sleep I dream that a spider or daddy longlegs starts climbing around my legs. Stupid insects
  18. That took a while, but that was good
  19. Went along a canal in Falkirk. Forgot the canal's name. Was a good cycle run, the weather was perfect and it was very peaceful "Get out of here, Stalker!" Sitting next to a factory that made bricks. "Yo, Whatsup?" I'm happy to catch this ladybird for two reasons. Firstly, it means that the weather must be getting better Secondly, I saw one a few days prior but by the time I got my camera from the house, it was gone But this one was good. Also allowed me to test the super-macro feature, which is cool. We couldn't find the enterence where all the canal boats were docked, so we drove around the back of an inudstrial estate and parked there, then we joined on right next to a canal gate. There was a reason why I took a picture of this gate, but I forgot why. I think there was a dead fish at the bottom of the gate, but I don't see it.
  20. Deem. You deem me to be a stalker, not deam Zombie virus on the mexican level was where it's at
  21. Wait a second... Mid life crisis... mid life - "in the "middle years" or middle age of life" I'm 17 and according to Gerard I'm having a mid life crisis.... I'm gonna die when I'm 34! I like iced coffee for the chocolate and cream It tastes better, admit it.
  22. I ban you for having a space between the "life" userbar, and the "xbox" userbar.
  23. Hahaha, aww, that's so mean. Should've recorded it
  24. Oh, the one you sit on? No wonder it's ridiculed then. Actually, I've never eaten vomit, but you know when you're going to be sick but swallow it back down? Yea, the after taste is kinda nice. So yes, I do like to eat vomit And iced coffee tastes nothing like it, it tastes a million times better You're just strange
  25. The throne? ...The....Throne....hmmm.... The monarchy? What Throne??
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