if you need help with some new vehicles you can always ask me. since my 2nd job is almost done i will have more time. just mail/PM me if you accept my offer
right now i'm playing Settlers 6 a lot. Mirrors edge and GTA IV i'm waiting for empire: total war to be a bit cheaper, then i will buy it... Edit: bought empire total war
with the list of ami: HAZMAT = dekontaminatie unit (mostly containers) Engine = Tankautospuit (TAS) Rescue = Hulpverleningsvoertuig (HV) Ladder = Autoladder (AL) High Rise Unit: Hoogwerker (HW) Chief = Officier van Dienst (OvD) Support Vehicle = Personeel/materieel (PM) Hose Vehicle: Slangenwagen (AS) Command = Commandovoertuig (CV)] Tanker: Tankwagen (TW) Water accident vehicle: Waterongevallenwagen (WO) Crashtender: Crashtender (CT) i think i have most of it now
some more pictures from the new engine: the controll pannel for the pump. the back of the vehicle and the front. Engine 631 and tower ladder 650 at a house fire in kampen (little shaky becouse it was quite cold and it already began to darken...)